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47 минут назад, DRED77 сказал:

Хорошо бы чтоб ещё кто замерил и написал!!!

Мерил в прошлую зиму - ток утечки по моему был 0.02А - ничего из доп оборудования (сигналка и т.д), кроме блока автоскладывания зеркал нет.

Завтра замер новый сделаю для чистоты эксперимента и напишу.

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23 часа назад, DRED77 сказал:

Нормальный ток утечки, по слухам 0.03-0.06А

Замерил ток утечки см фото. 


Машина закрыта и ничего не включено, ручник отпущен. Когда ручник включён то ток утечки 0.02А (фото не сделал тел сел извините). 

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У меня такого даже с отключенными сиденьями нет. 

Ещё и Сигнализация с GSM потребляет, да и стоит в подземном паркинге - связь ищет.

Скрытый текст



В общем мой герой - зарядник sp-8n, Изображаю из себя электромобиль.

Ставлю на зарядку когда вспомню про него и розетка рядом, это, я тут посчитал, +- раз в два месяца. 

Зимой придется чаще. 

Изменено пользователем DRED77

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30 минут назад, DRED77 сказал:

У меня такого даже с отключенными сиденьями нет. 

Ещё и Сигнализация с GSM потребляет, да и стоит в подземном паркинге - связь ищет.




В общем мой герой - зарядник sp-8n, Изображаю из себя электромобиль.

Ставлю на зарядку когда вспомню про него и розетка рядом, это, я тут посчитал, +- раз в два месяца. 

Зимой придется чаще. 

Дык, если в подземном паркинге, то для чего ставить на сигналку, все равно же сигнал не пройдет? Может достаточно иммо?

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Так я ничего не делаю. Свободные руки. И если туда сюда, то можно запутаться, я уже пробовал. Забывал включить обратно. Да и сиденья с памятью, заглушил машину и они отодвигаются при выходе, тоже расход.


Вопрос не в этом, много статей в интернете и там исход один, для машин с потреблением и короткими пробегами - рекомендуют делать периодически грамотную зарядку.

Предыдущий АКБ отслужил три года без новомодных сидений. Взял АКБ той же фирмы но другой модели с каким то прибабахом для живучисти. Условия не равны изначально, но посмотрим.

На предыдущих машинах я не заморачивался годами и зарядник не имел, а тут ... Меньше знаешь крепче спишь.

Изменено пользователем DRED77

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2 часа назад, DRED77 сказал:

Ещё и Сигнализация с GSM потребляет, да и стоит в подземном паркинге - связь ищет.

А в сигналке нельзя установить запуск двигателя при падении заряда?

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1 час назад, GraDen сказал:

А в сигналке нельзя установить запуск двигателя при падении заряда?

Да всё можно при нынешних сичтемах. Тут главное понять куда "искра" уходит!


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Можно, но это аварийный вариант. 

Хотел вылечить утечку, но не сложилось. Один спец и тот в Питере, в Москве ... долго объяснять. Хотел поставить отключалку, но колхозить не сильно хочется, прижмёт, буду делать.

Напрягает пока не сильно, но за две недели при утечки 0.3А  АКБ посадит, наверно.

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3 часа назад, DRED77 сказал:

Хотел поставить отключалку, но колхозить не сильно хочется, прижмёт, буду делать.

А что если посмотреть в сторону этой штуки?:


Сам не пользовался, но слышал, что норм робит.

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8 часов назад, GraDen сказал:

в сигналке нельзя установить запуск двигателя при падении заряда?

Можно, у меня стоит на 11.5. Но как то очково  что когда акк крякнет то она весь бензин сожрёт, так как у  меня остаток по топливу показывает некорректно. 

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12 часов назад, Demmons сказал:

Замерил ток утечки см фото.

В реальности там, конечно, не ноль. Не совсем корректно измерять малые токи на диапазоне 10А, тем более таким мультиметром.

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3 минуты назад, Мышун сказал:

В реальности там, конечно, не ноль. Не совсем корректно измерять малые токи на диапазоне 10А, тем более таким мультиметром.

Согласен полностью, исправлюсь, другого (хорошего и проверенного) под рукой не было. 

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18 минут назад, Demmons сказал:

другого (хорошего и проверенного) под рукой не было.

У меня тоже нормального прибора теперь нет. Тем, что есть намирил цифры, близкие к тому, что у Дениса, но это, скорее всего, не правда, т.к. сильного разряда нет.

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Возник вопрос.  А можно ли поставить agm батарею взамен стандартной?  В Москве можно взять со скидкой за 10000 руб  Atlas agm sa 57020 , такой же как и уважаемый  Полковник покупал в питерском Катоде где он стоит 15000 ,если я не ошибаюсь.  Хочется купить нормальный аккумулятор  и не возвращаться к возможным проблемам. Или на мой 2 литровый низя? В том же катоде есть акб atlas   umf 57800 обычный с глазом,  ценник   11000.  Agm в моменте сейчас можно купить ДЕШЕВЛЕ ОБЫЧНОГО.  


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3 часа назад, Putnick сказал:

А можно ли поставить agm батарею взамен стандартной?

Конечно можно.

У тебя на двухлитровом родная на VRLA? AGM - один из разновидностей SLA/VLRA батарей (источник 1, источник 2).


Параметры ёмкости и пускового тока можно подправить с помощью ddt, но даже если этого не сделать ничего страшного не случится.

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9 минут назад, Мышун сказал:

тебя на двухлитровом родная на VRLA? AGM - один из разновидностей SLA/VLRA батарей

Хз какая. Вот она... просто читаю что мол агм очень чувствительны к теплу и менять на  агм чревато их быстрой гибелью.



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4 часа назад, Putnick сказал:

Возник вопрос.  А можно ли поставить agm батарею взамен стандартной?

Я всё как-то думал, что АГМ это для старт/стопа. Если готовы переплатить за АГМ, может стоит посмотреть в сторону гелевых?

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17 минут назад, MuLTec сказал:

АГМ, может стоит посмотреть в сторону гелевых?

Я как то думал что агм и есть гелевые... Нет?

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1 час назад, Putnick сказал:

Я как то думал что агм и есть гелевые... Нет?

Не, разные.

AGM-батарея не имеет жидкого и даже гелевого электролита, вместо них применен кислотный раствор, пропитывающий стеклоткань, находящуюся между пластинами. Низкое внутреннее сопротивление позволяет быстро зарядить аккумулятор, однако и разряжается он также быстро из-за возможности выдачи высокого тока. Одно из главных отличий, AGM способен выдержать 200 полных разрядов. Единственное, чем действительно  Absorbed Glass Mat лучше, так это при зимнем запуске, в остальном, GEL превосходит agm-батареи.

Тут более-менее расписано про них: https://www.drive2.ru/b/528367839900336542/

но чёт почитал и уже не так уверен в необходимости оного. Раньше думал взять попробовать, когда родной помрёт.


Изменено пользователем MuLTec

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3 часа назад, Putnick сказал:

Хз какая

Глазок - признак АКБ с жидким электролитом. Одна из классификаций АКБ: с жидким электролитом, и со "связанным".

Связанный, это VRLA: либо АГМ, либо ГЕЛЬ - глазок там ни к чему - плавать не в чем. 

Изменено пользователем Morze701

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18 часов назад, Putnick сказал:

Хз какая. Вот она...

Это жидкостный.

18 часов назад, Putnick сказал:

просто читаю что мол агм очень чувствительны к теплу и менять на  агм чревато их быстрой гибелью.

17 часов назад, MuLTec сказал:

Я всё как-то думал, что АГМ это для старт/стопа.

На 2.5 л и дизелях на заводе устанавливались VRLA аккумуляторы, старт-стоп только на дизелях. Какая конкретно разновидность VRLA не уточняется. На бензиновых 2.5 заводские аккумы у многих, в т.ч. у меня, быстро сдохли, но это, скорее всего, проблема не технологии, а конкретной партии аккумуляторов.


По гарантии мне поставили аккумулятор 77 11 574 556, на котором красуется надпись "AGM". С ним пока все в порядке уже 2  года.



Система зарядки в бензиновых версиях 2.0 и 2.5 Koleos 2 совершенно одинаковая, есть небольшие отличия в настройках блока защиты и коммутации (БЗиК), который управляет зарядкой, но эти отличия не касаются технологии изготовления аккума. На дизелях немного по-другому, есть датчик тока, но это для старт-стопа, а не из-за типа аккумулятора.

Отсюда делаем вывод, что никаких противопоказаний против VRLA/AGM нет.


Могут быть вопросы к качеству конкретных аккумуляторов и их реальной конструкции. Некоторые производители в маркетинговых целях пишут VRLA, AGM, GEL, а реально там жижа. У меня был лодочный аккумулятор с надписью AGM у которого было окошко и плескался электролит, т.е. он точно не AGM. Хотя претензий к этому аккуму не было и он уже 5-й год трудится у нового владельца с постоянными циклами полного разряда.

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А с другой стороны, что тянуть то... Вот!


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3 часа назад, Putnick сказал:

А с другой стороны, что тянуть то... Вот!


Настройки БЗИК будешь править?


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2 часа назад, Мышун сказал:


Настройки БЗИК будешь править?

Да,махнул не глядя. Пока менял,случайно ключем коротнул по корпусу немного, даже след остался на железяке рифленой справа,в левом углу. Нотвроде ничего не замкнутый,хотя и испугался... 

Настройки не знаю, править или нет. Ты вроде сказал что не обязательно...

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14 часов назад, Putnick сказал:

Настройки не знаю, править или нет. Ты вроде сказал что не обязательно...

Не обязательно. На что они влияют толком неизвестно.

У родного какая ёмкость и пусковой ток были?

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1 час назад, Мышун сказал:

У родного какая ёмкость и пусковой ток были?

720 A , 70 Ah.

Кстати,сигналка теперь показывает 12.9

Стал заметно лучше крутить стартер.

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5 минут назад, Putnick сказал:

720 A , 70 Ah.

Практически такой же как был.


Можно поменять 3 параметра в БЗиК, но не думаю, что это что-то заметно изменит:


Было (жидкостный 720 A , 70 Ah):

E_K_CCABatterieNominale = 720
E_U_CoeffC = 1.03
E_U_CoeffD = 11.751


Стало (AGM 760 A, 70 Ah):

E_K_CCABatterieNominale = 760
E_U_CoeffC = 1,22
E_U_CoeffD = 11,568

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4 минуты назад, Мышун сказал:

не думаю что  это что то заметно изменит

Ну и отлично.  Тем более риск того что я что-то не то изменю  гораздо выше...

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Попробовал подзарядить АКБ типа AGM, не снимая клемм, вроде все норм, но все равно клеммы зарядного чуть искрят при подключении, поскольку оно без сети 220в от энергии АКБ пытается производить его диагностику и берет ток с него, который дает искру. 

Есть вопросы:

1) Существует ли таблица для определения степени заряженности подключенного к авто АКБ? (т.е. когда с него ток утечки потребляется). Просто тут выше есть значения для отключенного, а у подключенного - клеммы снимать неохота.

2) Есть ли в Диалоджисе какая-то информация о генераторе и нормальном выдаваемом напряжении? В моей версии Диалоджис вообще ничего про генератор не нашел. Заметил, что напряжение во время работы двигателя более 14,5в, а по логике для AGM нельзя больше 14,4в. На моем зарядном устройстве вообще для AGM/Gel максимум это 14,1в.

3) Можно ли не снимая клемм, подключать зарядное с десульфатацией?

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На свой страх и риск подключаю зарядку не отключая клеммы, жду когда заснет.

Да, из-за умного прибора и моей утечки немного искрит,   резко.. приловчился.

Сейчас зима, буду ставить чаще чем в два месяца, по возможности.


Поставил себе такой

Скрытый текст



Изменено пользователем DRED77

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2 часа назад, DRED77 сказал:

На свой страх и риск подключаю зарядку не отключая клеммы, жду когда заснет.

Да, из-за умного прибора и моей утечки немного искрит,   резко.. приловчился.

Сейчас зима, буду ставить чаще чем в два месяца, по возможности.


Поставил себе такой




Я так же заряжал. Уснул машин и подключался.

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16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

1) Существует ли таблица для определения степени заряженности подключенного к авто АКБ? (т.е. когда с него ток утечки потребляется). Просто тут выше есть значения для отключенного, а у подключенного - клеммы снимать неохота.

2) Есть ли в Диалоджисе какая-то информация о генераторе и нормальном выдаваемом напряжении? В моей версии Диалоджис вообще ничего про генератор не нашел.


3) Можно ли не снимая клемм, подключать зарядное с десульфатацией?

В документации производителя Вы такую информацию не найдете. Если спросите у официалов, то может и придумают что-нибудь, но это не будет иметь ничего общего с действительностью.

Официальный ответ на все вопросы про зарядку: "используйте рекомендованное зарядное устройство". И это рекомендованное зарядное устройство можно подключать, не отключая аккум от машины.


16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Заметил, что напряжение во время работы двигателя более 14,5в, а по логике для AGM нельзя больше 14,4в. На моем зарядном устройстве вообще для AGM/Gel максимум это 14,1в.

В настройках блока защиты и коммутации (БЗиК), который управляет зарядкой, прописано максимальное напряжение 15.6В. У себя я видел напряжение в сети максимум 15.3 В при сильно разряженном аккуме.  Всего там несколько десятков параметров, влияющих на зарядку, из чего можно сделать вывод, что алгоритм довольно "продвинутый".


На Колеос2 с двигателем 2TR (2.5) с завода устанавливают VRLA/AGM аккумулятор. По гарантии устанавливают другой аккумулятор, но выполненный по той же технологии.


Отличия в настройках системы зарядки (в блоке защиты и коммутации) от Колеос2 в с жидкостным аккумулятором (бензиновый 2.0) в 3 параметрах, о которых я недавно писал. К максимальном напряжению эти различия не имеют ни какого отношения.


Отсюда вывод: либо такое напряжение допустимо для таких аккумуляторов, либо инженеры Рено/Ниссан - дебилы. Какой вариант ответа верный решайте сами.

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6 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

В документации производителя Вы такую информацию не найдете.

А в вашей версии диалоджиса ни слова про генератор?

6 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

В настройках блока защиты и коммутации (БЗиК), который управляет зарядкой, прописано максимальное напряжение 15.6В. У себя я видел напряжение в сети максимум 15.3 В при сильно разряженном аккуме.  Всего там несколько десятков параметров, влияющих на зарядку, из чего можно сделать вывод, что алгоритм довольно "продвинутый".

Это, конечно, смущает.

6 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Отсюда вывод: либо такое напряжение допустимо для таких аккумуляторов, либо инженеры Рено/Ниссан - дебилы. Какой вариант ответа верный решайте сами.

Тут скорее - либо дебилы производители АКБ со своими рекомендациями либо Рено/Ниссан - дебилы. Я больше верю производителям АКБ. Но есть вариант, что изначально зарядку Колеоса проектировали не под AGM.

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9 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

А в вашей версии диалоджиса ни слова про генератор?

У меня такая же версия как у всех. Доступу к современной онлайн-версии нет. Но 99% что и в свежей официальной версии нет ответа на вопросы по генератору: официалы до такого уровня не опускаются, если что-то не так с генератором или аккумулятором, то они подлежат замене.

9 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Тут скорее - либо дебилы производители АКБ со своими рекомендациями либо Рено/Ниссан - дебилы. Я больше верю производителям АКБ.

Что-то мне подсказывает, что производители аккумуляторов не имеют никакого отношения к тому, что пишут в интернетах про зарядку.

9 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Но есть вариант, что изначально зарядку Колеоса проектировали не под AGM.

Блок, который занимается зарядкой аккумулятора, одинаковый для всех машин Рено этого поколения (Колеос-2, Сценик-4, Талисман, Эспейс 5 и т.д.). Такой же блок, но с другой прошивкой, устанавливается на Ниссаны (T32, J11 и др.).

Я анализировал заводские конфигурации нескольких десятков машин Рено этого поколения. Разница в параметрах зарядки заключается только в наличии или отсутствии датчика тока, емкости и пускового тока аккумулятора. При этом аккумуляторы устанавливаются разные.

Бензиновым Колеос2 не повезло с датчиком тока (его нет), поэтому все параметры зарядки рассчитываются аналитически по косвенным признакам, а не по фактическим значениям тока.


На машинах предыдущего поколения (Сценик-3, Меган-3, Флюенс) блок другой, а набор параметров очень близкий и напряжение меняется также (у меня был Сценик-3).

На Ниссанах я пока не встречал режима "floating", при котором напряжение в сети опускается до 13.5, там напряжение постоянно в диапазоне 15.5-14 В.




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Для тех, кто хочет лично поразбираться с тем, как работает система зарядки, хочу привести набор параметров БЗиК, имеющих отношение к аккумулятору и генератору для 3-x версий Колеос-2, которые продавались в России (назначение и физический смысл большинства параметров мне неизвестно):


Бензин 2.5:

Скрытый текст
# Write_Config_EEM_1
##     E_K_CoefSupplyUocv = 0.5 #[Coefficient for calculation of a weighted average from the two corrected supply voltages for open circuit voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_CoefSupplyVoltage = 0.5 #[Coefficient for calculation of a weighted average from the two corrected supply voltages battery voltage during customer wake up. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_R_BatteryGround = 0.0004 #[Ground battery resistance : sans M270](XZG)
##     E_R_Harness_1 = 0.006 #[Resistance for the correction of the ECU supply 1 voltage measurement : M270 diff?rence de cablage, car batterie arri?re. Cri?tere MTC diff?rent!](XZG)
##     E_R_Harness_2 = 0.006 #[Resistance for the correction of the ECU supply 2 voltage measurement : M270 diff?rence de cablage, car batterie arri?re. Cri?tere MTC diff?rent!](XZG)
##     E_Tau_batt_USM = 0,01 #[Tau constant time for filtering of battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECUSupply1_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply 1 voltage measurement : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Kaw_neg = 0 #[Anti-windup coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Kaw_pos = 0 #[Anti-windup coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Ki_Ualt = 0.1 #[Intregral coefficient for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Kp_Ualt = 0.5 #[Proportional coefficient for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_AltLoad_admissible = 85 #[Alternator load hysteresis low threshold for anti-windup : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_AltLoad_max = 95 #[Alternator load hysteresis high threshold for anti-windup : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_UnderVoltage_DF = 89.1 #[Alternator load rate threshold; under this threshold an under-voltage default can be detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Tau_AlternatorLoad = 0.1 #[Time constant for alternator load filter of regulation loop : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Ualt = 0.15 #[Tau for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_AltRegActivWoCAN = 2 #[LH time after ingition ON to activate alternator regulation  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_Default_CommFromECM = 2 #[LH confirmation time of communication from ECM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_Lim_by_Inj = 10 #[Maximum duration for alternator power limitation request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_OverVoltage = 20 #[confirmation time for overvoltage default : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_UnderVoltage = 20 #[confirmation time for undervoltage default : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_BatteryDisconnexion = 15.5 #[LH : alternator voltage request if battery disconnexion is confirmed : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_errorNOK = 0.12 #[High threshold for ok error : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_errorOK = 0.1 #[Low threshold for ok error : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_min = 11.7 #[Saturation of the alternator voltage request - min (except for ballasting interdiction) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_Start = 10.6 #[Initialization value of the alternator voltage request : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_AltBattUnderVoltage_offset = 1,5 #[Voltage offset for detecting an under-voltage default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_VoltageNetwork_min = 12 #[Lowest voltage that can be requested after alternator loading : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_BattUnderVoltage1_Threshold = 10,8 #[Reference battery voltage threshold 1 for detection of a default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_BattUnderVoltage2_Threshold = 12.6 #[Reference battery voltage threshold 2 for detection of a default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OverVoltage_Supply = 16.6 #[Battery voltage threshold for detection of an over-voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_IConsFlt_A0 = 0.0244 #[Filtering of the consummed current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IConsFlt_B0 = -0.9512 #[Filtering of the consummed current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_PConsFlt_A0 = 0.0244 #[Filtering of the consummed power : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_PConsFlt_B0 = -0.9512 #[Filtering of the consummed power : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_High_limit_max = 0.72 #[weighted average coefficient for high speed, high T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_High_limit_min = 0.62 #[weighted average coefficient for high speed, low T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_Low_limit_max = 0.42 #[weighted average coefficient for low speed, high T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_Low_limit_min = 0.37 #[weighted average coefficient for low speed, low T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_TempGradientMax = 3 #[Saturation of the maximal battery temperature variation : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_PWM_EngineFanSpeed_Min = 30 #[Fan pwm threshold to switch the battery thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_DefaultVehicleSpeed = 60 #[Vehicle speed by default when engine is running : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_S_mCHTRVSP = 30 #[Vehicule velosity threshold to switch the battery thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_veh_limit_max = 30 #[calculation of the impact of the maximum speed on the temperature : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_veh_limit_min = 10 #[calculation of the impact of the minimum speed on the temperature : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_High = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is high (CHTRH) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_Low = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is low (mCHTRL) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_Mid = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is intermediate (CHTRLRF) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_High = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_Low = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_Mid = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Engine = 190 #[engine thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_DefaultEngineCoolantTemp = 20 #[Engine coolant temperature when CAN EngineCoolantTemp is unavailable or invalid : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Eq_ext_limit_max = 30 #[calculation temperature impact T? ambiant max : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Eq_ext_limit_min = 10 #[calculation temperature impact T? ambiant min : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_mNPOFS = 0 #[Ambient temp. offset from -terminal to +terminal : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CAN_EngineCoolantTemp = 00000002 #[Confirmation time before LHM value EngineCoolantTemp : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TempBattActiv_delay = 1,5 #[Delay between ECU wake up and activation of the function : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_FrontBattery_type = 1 #[configuration of front battery (battery placed in the underhood compartment)0 : Battery in the back compartment1 : Battery in the front compartment : battery avant tout type, ? pr?voir battery arri?re sur GlobalD et JFC (M270)](XZG)
##     E_B_EngineStatus_check = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_B_RecalagePs100Pct_Inhibit = 0 #[Inhibition of reset of SOC after the end of cells equilibrium. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_STOPSTARTInhibit = 1 #[Inhibition parameter of S&S (0=S&S active; 1=S&S inhibited) : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_MaxVoltageForBoost = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibDecoBatt_sty = 1 #[ : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_InhibDecoBatt_sty_inv = 0 #[ : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_I_BattFilt_init = -150 #[Initialisation value of current filter for Gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_AlertePct = 75 #[Alert of an over-estimated battery gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_CoeffCorrTemp = 1.38 #[Correction of pseudo OCV in function of battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IbattRecalageFlt_A0 = 0.0123 #[Filter coefficient of the battery current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IbattRecalageFlt_B0 = -0.9754 #[Filter coefficient of the battery current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_MaxAhForRecalagePs100Pct = 214748364 #[Threshold of the Ah counter for rebalancing request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_RecalagePs100PctSOC = 90 #[Reset value pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_CapaciteNominale = 60 #[Nominal capacity of a batteryReinforced L3 : ](SSHYB/2TR)
##     E_K_UbattRecalageFlt_A0 = 0.0099 #[Filter coefficient of the battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_UbattRecalageFlt_B0 = -0.9802 #[Filter coefficient of the battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCCurrent_limp = 70 #[LH battery current : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_Alerte = 20 #[Temperature threshold for choosing the vector of voltage for the alert of an over-estimated battery gauge  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_RecalagePS100PctTempMax = 50 #[Maximum temperature for taking into account for the reset at pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_RecalagePS100PctTempMin = 10 #[Minimum temperature for taking into account for the reset at pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Ref = 20 #[Battery temperature reference for calculation of correction of OCV measurement in function of mA and T : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_BatteryGaugeActivation = 0.2 #[Delay before the function activation  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ConfirmationAlerte = 5 #[Confirmation duration of alert of overestimated SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentConditionPs100Pct = 10 #[Time of the presence of the current for an available reset at pseudo 100% : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_LimitTime_CustomerConf = 0.5 #[Confirmation time of the customer presence for the voltage gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_RecalagePs100MaxDuration = 0 #[Maximum duration of reequilibrium : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_RecalageTimePs100Pct = 60 #[Time for an available value of reset pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMinForSOCValid = 000000F0 #[Minimum parking time to consider battery OCV representative of SOC : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_ChargerDetect = 13.5 #[High voltage value when a charger is detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_wellCharged = 13.5 #[Value for the reset of the open circuit voltage under charger detection : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattFilt_init = 13 #[Initialisation value of voltage filter for Gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_RecalagePS100PctVoltageMax = 16 #[Maximum voltage for counting of the pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_RecalagePS100PctVoltageMin = 14.3 #[Minimum voltage for counting of the pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_K_chargeCoeff 0 = 0.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_chargeCoeff 1 = 1.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 0 = 65 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 1 = 70 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 2 = 75 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 3 = 80 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 4 = 85 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 5 = 90 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 6 = 91 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 7 = 92 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 8 = 93 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 9 = 94 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 10 = 95 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 11 = 96 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 12 = 97 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 13 = 98 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 14 = 99 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 15 = 100 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 0 = -12.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 1 = -11.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 2 = -10 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 3 = -8.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 4 = -7.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 5 = -6.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 6 = -5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 7 = -3.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 8 = -2.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 9 = -1.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 10 = -1.125 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 11 = -1 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 12 = -0.875 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 13 = -0.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 14 = -0.625 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 15 = -0.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 16 = -0.375 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 17 = -0.005 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 18 = 0 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_NoLightLimitation = 1800 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_2
##     E1d_K_DischargeCoeff 0 = 1 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_DischargeCoeff 1 = 0.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForCharge 0 = 0 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForCharge 1 = 20 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForDischarge 0 = 0 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForDischarge 1 = 20 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 0 = 0 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 1 = 5 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 2 = 10 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 3 = 15 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 4 = 20 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 5 = 25 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 6 = 30 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 7 = 35 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 8 = 40 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 9 = 45 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 10 = 50 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 0 = -40 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 1 = 20 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 2 = 30 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_TempBatt 0 = -30 #[Starting threshold : condition in temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_TempBatt 1 = 20 #[Starting threshold : condition in temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 0 = -100 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 1 = -33 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 2 = -10 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 3 = -3 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 4 = -1 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 5 = 0 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 6 = 0.5 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 7 = 2 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 8 = 3 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 9 = 4 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 0 = -0.066 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 1 = -0.007 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 2 = 0.003 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_res_BattThreshold 0 = 12,32 #[Crancking threshold for a L3 and L4 Reinforced battery : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_res_BattThreshold 1 = 12,43 #[Crancking threshold for a L3 and L4 Reinforced battery : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 0 = 0 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 1 = 11 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 2 = 11.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 3 = 12 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 4 = 12.25 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 5 = 12.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 6 = 13.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 7 = 13.75 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 8 = 14 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 9 = 14.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 0 = 11.45 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 1 = 11.47 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 2 = 11.5 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 3 = 11.53 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 4 = 11.56 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 5 = 11.61 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 6 = 11.66 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 7 = 11.72 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 8 = 11.82 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 9 = 11.99 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 10 = 12.01 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 11 = 12.04 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 12 = 12.07 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 13 = 12.11 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 14 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 15 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 16 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 17 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 18 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_K_CCABatterieNominale = 680 #[CCA for a battery Reinforced L3 : ](SSHYB/2TR/GDFROI)
##     E_K_TechWUChargerDetect = 1 #[Number of technical wake up for a full charged battery under charger with ESM configured active and Stop&Start configured active : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_PolarizedBattSOC_offset = 0 #[Value of the offset used to calculate the SOC of a medium polarized battery.  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCafterCharger = 100 #[Value for the reset of the battery SOC value under charger detection. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_VeryPolarizedBattSOC = 81 #[Value for the reset of the SOC of a very polarized battery. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_CoeffC = 1,22 #[Coefficient C to calculated initial SOC from OCV, for reinforced battery  : ](SSHYB/GDFROI/2TR)
##     E_U_CoeffD = 11,568 #[Coefficient D to calculated initial SOC from OCV, for reinforced battery  : ](SSHYB/GDFROI/2TR)
##     E_U_BattOCVStab_threshold = 17 #[If the slope between two OCV measurements is under this threshold, then the battery OCV is stabilized. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_VeryPolarizedOCV_threshold = 30 #[Value of the OCV threshold to detect a very polarized battery. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_2ndSignalGround_Conf = 2 #[Temporisation to confirm a loss of electronic mass : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_2ndSignalGround_Det = 0,9 #[Temporisation to detect a loss of electronic mass : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_DefaultBattVoltMeas_Conf = 0,3 #[Temporisation to confirm battery measurement default : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_DefaultBattVoltMeas_Det = 0,3 #[Temporisation to detect a battery measurement default : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_HIGH_min_thr = 4.9 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_LOW_max_thr = 1.04 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_MED_max_thr = 4.03 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_MED_min_thr = 1.77 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_BATT1_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_BATT2_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_IGN_ON_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_AC_CLUTCH_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_FR_WIPER_HI_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_FR_WIPER_LO_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_IGN_AT_LPG_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_LIGHT_REVERSE_LAMP_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_WATER_PUMP_Comp = 1.5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_TM_LongParkingTime = 00FFFFFE #[Time in minute to use the value indicated by battery temperature sensor : GEE](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_01 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_10 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_12 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_21 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_23 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_32 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_01 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_10 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_12 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_21 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_23 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_32 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Tau_DFFlt_FAR = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_MinimumVoltageByLight = 12 #[From 0 top xxV by step12V for LED HeadLamp13,6V for bulb headlamp : During acceleration phase, the battery voltage could fall to a low value (12V).It can be created a variation of light intensity. If a light is On, USM lighting model should asking a minimum battery voltage](XZG/LEDH2,LEDH3)
##     E_Pct_MaxAltLoad_SailingIdle = 95 #[Producer load threshold of overrun detection during a sailing idle phase : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCmin_SailingIdle = 70 #[SOC threshold of sailing idle inhibitionSOC Inhibition to ensure that the battery will be able to supply powernet during Sailing Idle phases even if a big consumer is switched ON. : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_SailingIdle = -40 #[Battery temperature threshold of sailing idle inhibitionProvided in case of Sailing inhibition need according battery temperature. Not activated for the moment : ](XZG)
##     E_B_SailingIdle_Inhibit = 1 #[Inhibition flag of EEM_SailingIdleForbidden calculation strategy0 = activated, 1 = inhibited : ](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitSailinginDelivery = 1 #[Inhibition flag of Sailing Idle when the vehicle is in Delivery Mode0 = activated, 1 = inhibited : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_UnderVFaultDetInhibition = 20 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_4
##     E_U_ECUSupply2_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply 2 voltage measurement : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_ECUSupplyUocv_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply voltage measurement for open circuit voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OCSignG_Offset = 0.7 #[Voltage offset for an electronical mass loss default detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitESMinDelivery = 1 #[Inhibition of ESM in Delivery mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitSSinDelivery = 1 #[Parameter which inhibits the S&S in delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCAuthorizedESM_init = 1 #[Initial value for the low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCforDOD_ESM_init = 1 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCforDOD_SS_init = 1 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_FloatingInhibit = 0 #[line side (bord de chaine) configuration for the autorization of the Floating : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_negative_1_posneg_rate = 0 #[positive and negative voltage rate : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_BattDisconnection_inhibit = 1 #[Parameter which inhibits the detection of the battery disconnection (0=NotInhibited; 1=Inhibited) : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_I_CurrentStop_batt_max = 255 #[Maximum discharged battery current authorized in stop auto : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCAuthorizedESM_hyst = 1 #[Width of hysteresis for the low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCAuthorizedESM_min = 80 #[Low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_ESM_hyst = 1 #[hysteresis SOC width for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_ESM_min = 80 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_SS_hyst = 1 #[hysteresis SOC width for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_SS_min = 80 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_StopStart = -5 #[Minimum battery temperature to authorize an automatic stop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentStop_max = 10 #[Minimum duration for validate a stop current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_X 0 = 81 #[x-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_X 1 = 100 #[x-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_Y 0 = 0 #[y-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_Y 1 = 0 #[y-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_X 0 = 81 #[x-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_X 1 = 100 #[x-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_Y 0 = 1 #[y-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_Y 1 = 5 #[y-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_BattSensorVariation = 5 #[Minimum battery current sensor output voltage variation in order not to detect a battery disconnection  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_BattDiscConf = 3 #[Time of confirmation for a battery disconnection detection : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_MedSticking_max = 2565 #[Maximum limit of the range of the battery current sensor output voltage  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_MedSticking_min = 2435 #[Minimum limit of the range of the battery current sensor output voltage  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_max = 5 #[Maximum saturation of the SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_min = 0 #[Minimum saturation of the SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_Step_max = 2 #[Decrease step when the SOF counter is at maximum value : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_Step_min = 1 #[Decrease step when the SOF counter is not at maximum value : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCminforSOF = 80 #[SOC limitation to increase SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_BattminforSOF = -5 #[Temperature limitation to increase SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_SOFAutoStartOffset = 0 #[change of threshold for lowest voltage during crancking at engine restart : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 0 = -5 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 1 = 0 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 2 = 10 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 3 = 20 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 4 = 30 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 5 = 40 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 0 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 1 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 2 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 3 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 4 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 5 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_AC_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_BCM_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_Charge_rate = 0.1 #[battery recharge voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_ECM_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_neg_rate = 2 #[ESM negative voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_frozen = 0 #[ESM frozen voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_limit = 0,5 #[Rising voltage limited after discharge : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_rate = 2 #[ESM positive voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Float_rate = 0.2 #[Floating rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_ECM = 20 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_ECM = 0.1 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_ECM = 0.5 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_ECM = 5 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_I_Batt_max = 30 #[Limit of battry current after a phase of descharge : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_BattHighVoltage_Max_High = 0.63 #[High threshold of the value of voltage time for high limitation of the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_BattHighVoltage_Max_Low = 0.34 #[Low threshold of the value of voltage time for high limitation of the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_HighVoltageFilter_A0 = 0,0000167 #[Filtering time constant for the calculation of the integral of high voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_HighVoltageFilter_B0 = -0,9999666 #[Filtering time constant for the calculation of the integral of high voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_RalaccInhibitionFilter_A0 = 0,00232 #[Filtering constant for the inhibition of the accelerated idle speed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_RalaccInhibitionFilter_B0 = -0,99535 #[Filtering constant for the inhibition of the accelerated idle speed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FloatingSOCHigh = 95 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Charge threshold high (x_2, x_4) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FloatingSOCLow = 90 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Charge threshold low (x_1, x_3) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_batt_min = 0 #[Battery temperature threshold for minimum voltage request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_FloatingInhibit = 15 #[criteria of temperature of engine coolant to authorize the floating  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Teta_High = 50 #[Z Curve - voltage threshold for high temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Teta_Low = 30 #[Z Curve - voltage threshold for low temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_AC_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH CLIM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_MAX = 14.6 #[Z Curve - voltage target for low temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_MIN = 13.8 #[Z Curve - voltage target for high temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_RecalagePs100Pct = 14.5 #[Battery voltage target for reset Pseudo100% of the battery : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_VoltageNetwork_max = 15.6 #[Maximum saturation volateg of the battery voltage target : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattForOffsetMAX = 12.8 #[Boost curve - voltage threshold for high SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattForOffsetMIN = 12 #[Boost curve - voltage threshold for low SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BCM_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH BCM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECM_maxLHM = 16 #[Default value, if the CAN MaximumVoltagebyECM frame is unavailable or invalid : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECM_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH ECM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ESM_batt_min = 12 #[ESM discharge voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_Floating = 13.5 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Floating voltage (y_3, y_4, y_5) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_HighVoltageThreshold = 14.7 #[High voltage threshold; over this threshold the high voltage is taken into account : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OffsetMAX = 0.8 #[Boost curve - voltage target for low SOC  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_OffsetMIN = 0 #[Boost curve - voltage target for high SOC  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_OptiVoltNoDischarge = 13 #[Value of AlternatorOptimumVoltage, if discharge forbidden. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_RegeESM = 15 #[ESM regeneration voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_Steer_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH DA : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOFinhibition = 1 #[SOF inhibition : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_ESMInhibit = 1 #[Inhibition of ESM : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_ESMInhibitionByLights = 0 #[R : 0 : This parameters is only used for T4VS architectur and not for CMF1.](XZG)
##     E_B_AutoStart_HV = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_NoCharge = 13,1 #[Value when no chager is detected : GEE](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_min_neg_rate = 2 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_min_pos_rate = 2 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_K_JaugeMin_Lights = 80 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Temp_BattMin_Lights = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Temp_EngineMin_Lights = 100 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_ESM_step = 0.8 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_max_by_Lights = 15.6 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_MaxAltLoad_SailingIdle = 20 #[Confirmation timer of producer overrun during a sailing idle phase : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_5
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 0 = -40 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 1 = -20 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 2 = 0 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 3 = 20 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 4 = 40 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 5 = 60 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 6 = 80 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 7 = 100 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 0 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 1 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 2 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 3 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 4 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 5 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 6 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 7 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 0 = 12 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 1 = 13 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 2 = 13.5 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 0 = 11.8 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 1 = 12.4 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 2 = 12.8 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_SOC_LOB = 75 #[Maximum SOC threshold to authorize life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_FPC_Inhibit = 1 #[Configuration for the inhibition of the LoadShedding strategy for pulse compatibility : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_LOB_Inhibit = 1 #[Configuration for the inhibition of the LoadShedding strategy for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILoadShedding_Activ = 1 #[Activation of LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" state 1 : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILowBattCustom_Activ = 1 #[Activation of "LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" states 2 and 3 in customer mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILowBattDeliv_Activ = 1 #[Activation of "LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" states 2 and 3 in delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_FAR_Inhibit = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_I_CurrentStop_FPC_batt_max = 70 #[Maximum consummed current authorized in automatic stop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentStop_FPC_max = 2 #[Maximum duration for the high current consummed by the consummers before unballast FPC : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_FPC = 0.3 #[Maximum duration of unballast request FPC before an automatic restart request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_MMI = 15 #[Maximum duration before MMI unballast message : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_MMI_Duration = 120 #[Duration of MMI message associated to Unballast request for Life on Board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_LOB_Authorized_Max = 1800 #[Maximum duration authorized for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_LOB_Authorized_Min = 300 #[Minimum duration authorized for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_RestartDone_FPC = 0.1 #[Duration of confirmation for the automatic restart, done after an unballast request FPC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_LOB_max = 13 #[Voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_BattCurrent_LevelAlert = 0 #[Level alert for battery current sensor default. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_K_BatteryLevelAlert = 0 #[Level alert for battery disconnection. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_K_ECM2USM_Level = 1 #[Level alert for CAN communication default from ECM to USM 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_JaugeChargedMotorON = 25 #[Threshold for end of battery load alert (VTGauge) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_Overvoltage_LevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for overvoltage defaut. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_Undervoltage_LevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for undervoltage defaut. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_VoltageMesLevelAlert = 1 #[Level alert for voltage measurement default. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMaxOfLowBattVoltDisp = 0 #[Timer to wait before sending a second alert to the user - Customer Mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMinToInformChargDisp = 60 #[Minimum duration for lighting on "Battery in charge". : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_WaitCustomerMode = 900 #[Duration from vehicle wake up before lighting on alert on battery load - Customer mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_WaitDeliveryMode = 2 #[Duration from vehicle wake up before lighting on alert on battery load - Delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 0 = 11.6 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 1 = 11.63 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 2 = 11.65 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 3 = 11.68 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 4 = 11.71 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 5 = 11.74 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 6 = 11.79 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 7 = 11.84 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 8 = 11.93 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 9 = 12.07 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 10 = 12.09 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 11 = 12.11 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 12 = 12.14 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 13 = 12.17 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 14 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 15 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 16 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 17 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 18 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOC_LOB = 75 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_8
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 0 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 1 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 2 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 3 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 4 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 5 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 6 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 7 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 8 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 9 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 10 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 11 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 12 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 13 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 14 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 15 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 16 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 17 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 18 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 19 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 20 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 21 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 22 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 23 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 24 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 25 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 26 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 27 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 28 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 29 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 30 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 31 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 32 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 33 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 34 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 35 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 36 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 37 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 38 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 39 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 40 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 41 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 42 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 43 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 44 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 45 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 46 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 47 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 48 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 49 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 50 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 51 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 52 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 53 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 54 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 55 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 56 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 57 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 58 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 59 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 60 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 61 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 62 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 63 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 64 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 65 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 66 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 67 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 68 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 69 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 70 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 71 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 72 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 73 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 74 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 75 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 76 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 77 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 78 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 79 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 80 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 81 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 82 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 83 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 84 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 85 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 86 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 87 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 88 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 89 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 90 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 91 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 92 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 93 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 94 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 95 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 96 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 97 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 98 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 99 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 100 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 101 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 102 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 103 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 104 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 105 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 106 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 107 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 108 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 109 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 110 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 111 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 112 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 113 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 114 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 115 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 116 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 117 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 118 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 119 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 120 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 121 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 122 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 123 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 124 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 125 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 126 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 127 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 128 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 129 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 130 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 131 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 132 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 133 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 134 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 135 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 136 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 137 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 138 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 139 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 140 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 141 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 142 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 143 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 144 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 145 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 146 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 147 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 148 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 149 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 150 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 151 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 152 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 153 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 154 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 155 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 156 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 157 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 158 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 159 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 160 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 161 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 162 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 163 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 164 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 165 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 166 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 167 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 168 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 169 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 170 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 171 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 172 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 173 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 174 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 175 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_TM_RefreshTime = 43200 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 0 = 0 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 1 = 5 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 2 = 20 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 3 = 40 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 4 = 60 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 0 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 1 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 2 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 3 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 4 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_D_InhibitESM_threshold = 0 #[ : NoModif](XZG)


Бензин 2.0:

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# Write_Config_EEM_1
##     E_K_CoefSupplyUocv = 0.5 #[Coefficient for calculation of a weighted average from the two corrected supply voltages for open circuit voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_CoefSupplyVoltage = 0.5 #[Coefficient for calculation of a weighted average from the two corrected supply voltages battery voltage during customer wake up. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_R_BatteryGround = 0.0004 #[Ground battery resistance : sans M270](XZG)
##     E_R_Harness_1 = 0.006 #[Resistance for the correction of the ECU supply 1 voltage measurement : M270 diff?rence de cablage, car batterie arri?re. Cri?tere MTC diff?rent!](XZG)
##     E_R_Harness_2 = 0.006 #[Resistance for the correction of the ECU supply 2 voltage measurement : M270 diff?rence de cablage, car batterie arri?re. Cri?tere MTC diff?rent!](XZG)
##     E_Tau_batt_USM = 0,01 #[Tau constant time for filtering of battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECUSupply1_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply 1 voltage measurement : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Kaw_neg = 0 #[Anti-windup coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Kaw_pos = 0 #[Anti-windup coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Ki_Ualt = 0.1 #[Intregral coefficient for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Kp_Ualt = 0.5 #[Proportional coefficient for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_AltLoad_admissible = 85 #[Alternator load hysteresis low threshold for anti-windup : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_AltLoad_max = 95 #[Alternator load hysteresis high threshold for anti-windup : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_UnderVoltage_DF = 89.1 #[Alternator load rate threshold; under this threshold an under-voltage default can be detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Tau_AlternatorLoad = 0.1 #[Time constant for alternator load filter of regulation loop : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Ualt = 0.15 #[Tau for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_AltRegActivWoCAN = 2 #[LH time after ingition ON to activate alternator regulation  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_Default_CommFromECM = 2 #[LH confirmation time of communication from ECM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_Lim_by_Inj = 10 #[Maximum duration for alternator power limitation request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_OverVoltage = 20 #[confirmation time for overvoltage default : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_UnderVoltage = 20 #[confirmation time for undervoltage default : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_BatteryDisconnexion = 15.5 #[LH : alternator voltage request if battery disconnexion is confirmed : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_errorNOK = 0.12 #[High threshold for ok error : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_errorOK = 0.1 #[Low threshold for ok error : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_min = 11.7 #[Saturation of the alternator voltage request - min (except for ballasting interdiction) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_Start = 10.6 #[Initialization value of the alternator voltage request : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_AltBattUnderVoltage_offset = 1,5 #[Voltage offset for detecting an under-voltage default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_VoltageNetwork_min = 12 #[Lowest voltage that can be requested after alternator loading : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_BattUnderVoltage1_Threshold = 10,8 #[Reference battery voltage threshold 1 for detection of a default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_BattUnderVoltage2_Threshold = 12.6 #[Reference battery voltage threshold 2 for detection of a default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OverVoltage_Supply = 16.6 #[Battery voltage threshold for detection of an over-voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_IConsFlt_A0 = 0.0244 #[Filtering of the consummed current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IConsFlt_B0 = -0.9512 #[Filtering of the consummed current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_PConsFlt_A0 = 0.0244 #[Filtering of the consummed power : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_PConsFlt_B0 = -0.9512 #[Filtering of the consummed power : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_High_limit_max = 0.72 #[weighted average coefficient for high speed, high T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_High_limit_min = 0.62 #[weighted average coefficient for high speed, low T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_Low_limit_max = 0.42 #[weighted average coefficient for low speed, high T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_Low_limit_min = 0.37 #[weighted average coefficient for low speed, low T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_TempGradientMax = 3 #[Saturation of the maximal battery temperature variation : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_PWM_EngineFanSpeed_Min = 30 #[Fan pwm threshold to switch the battery thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_DefaultVehicleSpeed = 60 #[Vehicle speed by default when engine is running : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_S_mCHTRVSP = 30 #[Vehicule velosity threshold to switch the battery thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_veh_limit_max = 30 #[calculation of the impact of the maximum speed on the temperature : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_veh_limit_min = 10 #[calculation of the impact of the minimum speed on the temperature : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_High = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is high (CHTRH) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_Low = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is low (mCHTRL) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_Mid = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is intermediate (CHTRLRF) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_High = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_Low = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_Mid = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Engine = 190 #[engine thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_DefaultEngineCoolantTemp = 20 #[Engine coolant temperature when CAN EngineCoolantTemp is unavailable or invalid : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Eq_ext_limit_max = 30 #[calculation temperature impact T? ambiant max : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Eq_ext_limit_min = 10 #[calculation temperature impact T? ambiant min : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_mNPOFS = 0 #[Ambient temp. offset from -terminal to +terminal : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CAN_EngineCoolantTemp = 00000002 #[Confirmation time before LHM value EngineCoolantTemp : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TempBattActiv_delay = 1,5 #[Delay between ECU wake up and activation of the function : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_FrontBattery_type = 1 #[configuration of front battery (battery placed in the underhood compartment)0 : Battery in the back compartment1 : Battery in the front compartment : battery avant tout type, ? pr?voir battery arri?re sur GlobalD et JFC (M270)](XZG)
##     E_B_EngineStatus_check = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_B_RecalagePs100Pct_Inhibit = 0 #[Inhibition of reset of SOC after the end of cells equilibrium. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_STOPSTARTInhibit = 1 #[Inhibition parameter of S&S (0=S&S active; 1=S&S inhibited) : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_MaxVoltageForBoost = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibDecoBatt_sty = 1 #[ : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_InhibDecoBatt_sty_inv = 0 #[ : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_I_BattFilt_init = -150 #[Initialisation value of current filter for Gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_AlertePct = 75 #[Alert of an over-estimated battery gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_CoeffCorrTemp = 1.38 #[Correction of pseudo OCV in function of battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IbattRecalageFlt_A0 = 0.0123 #[Filter coefficient of the battery current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IbattRecalageFlt_B0 = -0.9754 #[Filter coefficient of the battery current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_MaxAhForRecalagePs100Pct = 214748364 #[Threshold of the Ah counter for rebalancing request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_RecalagePs100PctSOC = 90 #[Reset value pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_CapaciteNominale = 70 #[Nominal capacity of a batteryReinforced L3 : ](SSHYB/M5R/GDFROI)
##     E_K_UbattRecalageFlt_A0 = 0.0099 #[Filter coefficient of the battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_UbattRecalageFlt_B0 = -0.9802 #[Filter coefficient of the battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCCurrent_limp = 70 #[LH battery current : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_Alerte = 20 #[Temperature threshold for choosing the vector of voltage for the alert of an over-estimated battery gauge  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_RecalagePS100PctTempMax = 50 #[Maximum temperature for taking into account for the reset at pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_RecalagePS100PctTempMin = 10 #[Minimum temperature for taking into account for the reset at pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Ref = 20 #[Battery temperature reference for calculation of correction of OCV measurement in function of mA and T : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_BatteryGaugeActivation = 0.2 #[Delay before the function activation  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ConfirmationAlerte = 5 #[Confirmation duration of alert of overestimated SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentConditionPs100Pct = 10 #[Time of the presence of the current for an available reset at pseudo 100% : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_LimitTime_CustomerConf = 0.5 #[Confirmation time of the customer presence for the voltage gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_RecalagePs100MaxDuration = 0 #[Maximum duration of reequilibrium : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_RecalageTimePs100Pct = 60 #[Time for an available value of reset pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMinForSOCValid = 000000F0 #[Minimum parking time to consider battery OCV representative of SOC : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_ChargerDetect = 13.5 #[High voltage value when a charger is detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_wellCharged = 13.5 #[Value for the reset of the open circuit voltage under charger detection : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattFilt_init = 13 #[Initialisation value of voltage filter for Gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_RecalagePS100PctVoltageMax = 16 #[Maximum voltage for counting of the pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_RecalagePS100PctVoltageMin = 14.3 #[Minimum voltage for counting of the pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_K_chargeCoeff 0 = 0.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_chargeCoeff 1 = 1.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 0 = 65 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 1 = 70 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 2 = 75 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 3 = 80 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 4 = 85 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 5 = 90 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 6 = 91 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 7 = 92 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 8 = 93 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 9 = 94 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 10 = 95 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 11 = 96 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 12 = 97 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 13 = 98 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 14 = 99 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 15 = 100 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 0 = -12.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 1 = -11.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 2 = -10 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 3 = -8.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 4 = -7.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 5 = -6.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 6 = -5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 7 = -3.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 8 = -2.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 9 = -1.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 10 = -1.125 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 11 = -1 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 12 = -0.875 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 13 = -0.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 14 = -0.625 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 15 = -0.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 16 = -0.375 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 17 = -0.005 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 18 = 0 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_NoLightLimitation = 1800 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_2
##     E1d_K_DischargeCoeff 0 = 1 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_DischargeCoeff 1 = 0.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForCharge 0 = 0 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForCharge 1 = 20 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForDischarge 0 = 0 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForDischarge 1 = 20 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 0 = 0 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 1 = 5 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 2 = 10 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 3 = 15 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 4 = 20 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 5 = 25 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 6 = 30 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 7 = 35 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 8 = 40 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 9 = 45 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 10 = 50 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 0 = -40 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 1 = 20 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 2 = 30 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_TempBatt 0 = -30 #[Starting threshold : condition in temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_TempBatt 1 = 20 #[Starting threshold : condition in temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 0 = -100 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 1 = -33 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 2 = -10 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 3 = -3 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 4 = -1 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 5 = 0 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 6 = 0.5 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 7 = 2 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 8 = 3 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 9 = 4 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 0 = -0.066 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 1 = -0.007 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 2 = 0.003 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_res_BattThreshold 0 = 12,32 #[Crancking threshold for a L3 and L4 Reinforced battery : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_res_BattThreshold 1 = 12,43 #[Crancking threshold for a L3 and L4 Reinforced battery : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 0 = 0 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 1 = 11 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 2 = 11.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 3 = 12 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 4 = 12.25 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 5 = 12.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 6 = 13.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 7 = 13.75 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 8 = 14 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 9 = 14.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 0 = 11.45 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 1 = 11.47 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 2 = 11.5 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 3 = 11.53 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 4 = 11.56 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 5 = 11.61 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 6 = 11.66 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 7 = 11.72 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 8 = 11.82 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 9 = 11.99 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 10 = 12.01 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 11 = 12.04 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 12 = 12.07 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 13 = 12.11 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 14 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 15 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 16 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 17 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 18 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_K_CCABatterieNominale = 720 #[CCA for a battery Reinforced L3 : ](SSHYB/M5R/GDFROI)
##     E_K_TechWUChargerDetect = 1 #[Number of technical wake up for a full charged battery under charger with ESM configured active and Stop&Start configured active : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_PolarizedBattSOC_offset = 0 #[Value of the offset used to calculate the SOC of a medium polarized battery.  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCafterCharger = 100 #[Value for the reset of the battery SOC value under charger detection. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_VeryPolarizedBattSOC = 81 #[Value for the reset of the SOC of a very polarized battery. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_CoeffC = 1.03 #[Coefficient C to calculated initial SOC from OCV, for reinforced battery  : ](SSHYB/GDFROI/M5R)
##     E_U_CoeffD = 11.751 #[Coefficient D to calculated initial SOC from OCV, for reinforced battery  : ](SSHYB/GDFROI/M5R)
##     E_U_BattOCVStab_threshold = 17 #[If the slope between two OCV measurements is under this threshold, then the battery OCV is stabilized. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_VeryPolarizedOCV_threshold = 30 #[Value of the OCV threshold to detect a very polarized battery. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_2ndSignalGround_Conf = 2 #[Temporisation to confirm a loss of electronic mass : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_2ndSignalGround_Det = 0,9 #[Temporisation to detect a loss of electronic mass : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_DefaultBattVoltMeas_Conf = 0,3 #[Temporisation to confirm battery measurement default : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_DefaultBattVoltMeas_Det = 0,3 #[Temporisation to detect a battery measurement default : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_HIGH_min_thr = 4.9 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_LOW_max_thr = 1.04 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_MED_max_thr = 4.03 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_MED_min_thr = 1.77 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_BATT1_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_BATT2_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_IGN_ON_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_AC_CLUTCH_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_FR_WIPER_HI_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_FR_WIPER_LO_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_IGN_AT_LPG_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_LIGHT_REVERSE_LAMP_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_WATER_PUMP_Comp = 1.5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_TM_LongParkingTime = 00FFFFFE #[Time in minute to use the value indicated by battery temperature sensor : GEE](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_01 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_10 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_12 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_21 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_23 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_32 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_01 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_10 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_12 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_21 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_23 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_32 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Tau_DFFlt_FAR = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_MinimumVoltageByLight = 13.6 #[From 0 top xxV by step12V for LED HeadLamp13,6V for bulb headlamp : ](XZG/LAHALO)
##     E_Pct_MaxAltLoad_SailingIdle = 95 #[Producer load threshold of overrun detection during a sailing idle phase : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCmin_SailingIdle = 70 #[SOC threshold of sailing idle inhibitionSOC Inhibition to ensure that the battery will be able to supply powernet during Sailing Idle phases even if a big consumer is switched ON. : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_SailingIdle = -40 #[Battery temperature threshold of sailing idle inhibitionProvided in case of Sailing inhibition need according battery temperature. Not activated for the moment : ](XZG)
##     E_B_SailingIdle_Inhibit = 1 #[Inhibition flag of EEM_SailingIdleForbidden calculation strategy0 = activated, 1 = inhibited : ](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitSailinginDelivery = 1 #[Inhibition flag of Sailing Idle when the vehicle is in Delivery Mode0 = activated, 1 = inhibited : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_UnderVFaultDetInhibition = 20 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_4
##     E_U_ECUSupply2_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply 2 voltage measurement : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_ECUSupplyUocv_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply voltage measurement for open circuit voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OCSignG_Offset = 0.7 #[Voltage offset for an electronical mass loss default detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitESMinDelivery = 1 #[Inhibition of ESM in Delivery mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitSSinDelivery = 1 #[Parameter which inhibits the S&S in delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCAuthorizedESM_init = 1 #[Initial value for the low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCforDOD_ESM_init = 1 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCforDOD_SS_init = 1 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_FloatingInhibit = 0 #[line side (bord de chaine) configuration for the autorization of the Floating : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_negative_1_posneg_rate = 0 #[positive and negative voltage rate : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_BattDisconnection_inhibit = 1 #[Parameter which inhibits the detection of the battery disconnection (0=NotInhibited; 1=Inhibited) : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_I_CurrentStop_batt_max = 255 #[Maximum discharged battery current authorized in stop auto : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCAuthorizedESM_hyst = 1 #[Width of hysteresis for the low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCAuthorizedESM_min = 80 #[Low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_ESM_hyst = 1 #[hysteresis SOC width for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_ESM_min = 80 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_SS_hyst = 1 #[hysteresis SOC width for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_SS_min = 80 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_StopStart = -5 #[Minimum battery temperature to authorize an automatic stop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentStop_max = 10 #[Minimum duration for validate a stop current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_X 0 = 81 #[x-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_X 1 = 100 #[x-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_Y 0 = 0 #[y-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_Y 1 = 0 #[y-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_X 0 = 81 #[x-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_X 1 = 100 #[x-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_Y 0 = 1 #[y-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_Y 1 = 5 #[y-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_BattSensorVariation = 5 #[Minimum battery current sensor output voltage variation in order not to detect a battery disconnection  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_BattDiscConf = 3 #[Time of confirmation for a battery disconnection detection : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_MedSticking_max = 2565 #[Maximum limit of the range of the battery current sensor output voltage  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_MedSticking_min = 2435 #[Minimum limit of the range of the battery current sensor output voltage  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_max = 5 #[Maximum saturation of the SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_min = 0 #[Minimum saturation of the SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_Step_max = 2 #[Decrease step when the SOF counter is at maximum value : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_Step_min = 1 #[Decrease step when the SOF counter is not at maximum value : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCminforSOF = 80 #[SOC limitation to increase SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_BattminforSOF = -5 #[Temperature limitation to increase SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_SOFAutoStartOffset = 0 #[change of threshold for lowest voltage during crancking at engine restart : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 0 = -5 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 1 = 0 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 2 = 10 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 3 = 20 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 4 = 30 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 5 = 40 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 0 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 1 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 2 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 3 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 4 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 5 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_AC_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_BCM_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_Charge_rate = 0.1 #[battery recharge voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_ECM_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_neg_rate = 2 #[ESM negative voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_frozen = 0 #[ESM frozen voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_limit = 0,5 #[Rising voltage limited after discharge : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_rate = 2 #[ESM positive voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Float_rate = 0.2 #[Floating rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_ECM = 20 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_ECM = 0.1 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_ECM = 0.5 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_ECM = 5 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_I_Batt_max = 30 #[Limit of battry current after a phase of descharge : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_BattHighVoltage_Max_High = 0.63 #[High threshold of the value of voltage time for high limitation of the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_BattHighVoltage_Max_Low = 0.34 #[Low threshold of the value of voltage time for high limitation of the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_HighVoltageFilter_A0 = 0,0000167 #[Filtering time constant for the calculation of the integral of high voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_HighVoltageFilter_B0 = -0,9999666 #[Filtering time constant for the calculation of the integral of high voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_RalaccInhibitionFilter_A0 = 0,00232 #[Filtering constant for the inhibition of the accelerated idle speed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_RalaccInhibitionFilter_B0 = -0,99535 #[Filtering constant for the inhibition of the accelerated idle speed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FloatingSOCHigh = 95 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Charge threshold high (x_2, x_4) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FloatingSOCLow = 90 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Charge threshold low (x_1, x_3) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_batt_min = 0 #[Battery temperature threshold for minimum voltage request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_FloatingInhibit = 15 #[criteria of temperature of engine coolant to authorize the floating  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Teta_High = 50 #[Z Curve - voltage threshold for high temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Teta_Low = 30 #[Z Curve - voltage threshold for low temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_AC_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH CLIM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_MAX = 14.6 #[Z Curve - voltage target for low temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_MIN = 13.8 #[Z Curve - voltage target for high temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_RecalagePs100Pct = 14.5 #[Battery voltage target for reset Pseudo100% of the battery : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_VoltageNetwork_max = 15.6 #[Maximum saturation volateg of the battery voltage target : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattForOffsetMAX = 12.8 #[Boost curve - voltage threshold for high SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattForOffsetMIN = 12 #[Boost curve - voltage threshold for low SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BCM_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH BCM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECM_maxLHM = 16 #[Default value, if the CAN MaximumVoltagebyECM frame is unavailable or invalid : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECM_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH ECM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ESM_batt_min = 12 #[ESM discharge voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_Floating = 13.5 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Floating voltage (y_3, y_4, y_5) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_HighVoltageThreshold = 14.7 #[High voltage threshold; over this threshold the high voltage is taken into account : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OffsetMAX = 0.8 #[Boost curve - voltage target for low SOC  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_OffsetMIN = 0 #[Boost curve - voltage target for high SOC  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_OptiVoltNoDischarge = 13 #[Value of AlternatorOptimumVoltage, if discharge forbidden. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_RegeESM = 15 #[ESM regeneration voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_Steer_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH DA : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOFinhibition = 1 #[SOF inhibition : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_ESMInhibit = 1 #[Inhibition of ESM : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_B_ESMInhibitionByLights = 0 #[R : 0 : This parameters is only used for T4VS architectur and not for CMF1.](XZG)
##     E_B_AutoStart_HV = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_NoCharge = 13,1 #[Value when no chager is detected : GEE](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_min_neg_rate = 2 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_min_pos_rate = 2 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_K_JaugeMin_Lights = 80 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Temp_BattMin_Lights = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Temp_EngineMin_Lights = 100 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_ESM_step = 0.8 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_max_by_Lights = 15.6 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_MaxAltLoad_SailingIdle = 20 #[Confirmation timer of producer overrun during a sailing idle phase : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_5
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 0 = -40 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 1 = -20 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 2 = 0 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 3 = 20 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 4 = 40 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 5 = 60 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 6 = 80 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 7 = 100 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 0 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 1 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 2 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 3 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 4 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 5 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 6 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 7 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 0 = 12 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 1 = 13 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 2 = 13.5 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 0 = 11.8 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 1 = 12.4 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 2 = 12.8 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_SOC_LOB = 75 #[Maximum SOC threshold to authorize life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_FPC_Inhibit = 1 #[Configuration for the inhibition of the LoadShedding strategy for pulse compatibility : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_LOB_Inhibit = 1 #[Configuration for the inhibition of the LoadShedding strategy for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILoadShedding_Activ = 1 #[Activation of LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" state 1 : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILowBattCustom_Activ = 1 #[Activation of "LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" states 2 and 3 in customer mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILowBattDeliv_Activ = 1 #[Activation of "LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" states 2 and 3 in delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_FAR_Inhibit = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_I_CurrentStop_FPC_batt_max = 70 #[Maximum consummed current authorized in automatic stop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentStop_FPC_max = 2 #[Maximum duration for the high current consummed by the consummers before unballast FPC : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_FPC = 0.3 #[Maximum duration of unballast request FPC before an automatic restart request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_MMI = 15 #[Maximum duration before MMI unballast message : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_MMI_Duration = 120 #[Duration of MMI message associated to Unballast request for Life on Board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_LOB_Authorized_Max = 1800 #[Maximum duration authorized for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_LOB_Authorized_Min = 300 #[Minimum duration authorized for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_RestartDone_FPC = 0.1 #[Duration of confirmation for the automatic restart, done after an unballast request FPC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_LOB_max = 13 #[Voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_BattCurrent_LevelAlert = 0 #[Level alert for battery current sensor default. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_K_BatteryLevelAlert = 0 #[Level alert for battery disconnection. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : ](XZG/SAUF HYB01)
##     E_K_ECM2USM_Level = 1 #[Level alert for CAN communication default from ECM to USM 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_JaugeChargedMotorON = 25 #[Threshold for end of battery load alert (VTGauge) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_Overvoltage_LevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for overvoltage defaut. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_Undervoltage_LevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for undervoltage defaut. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_VoltageMesLevelAlert = 1 #[Level alert for voltage measurement default. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMaxOfLowBattVoltDisp = 0 #[Timer to wait before sending a second alert to the user - Customer Mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMinToInformChargDisp = 60 #[Minimum duration for lighting on "Battery in charge". : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_WaitCustomerMode = 900 #[Duration from vehicle wake up before lighting on alert on battery load - Customer mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_WaitDeliveryMode = 2 #[Duration from vehicle wake up before lighting on alert on battery load - Delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 0 = 11.6 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 1 = 11.63 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 2 = 11.65 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 3 = 11.68 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 4 = 11.71 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 5 = 11.74 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 6 = 11.79 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 7 = 11.84 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 8 = 11.93 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 9 = 12.07 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 10 = 12.09 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 11 = 12.11 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 12 = 12.14 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 13 = 12.17 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 14 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 15 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 16 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 17 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 18 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOC_LOB = 75 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_8
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 0 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 1 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 2 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 3 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 4 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 5 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 6 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 7 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 8 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 9 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 10 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 11 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 12 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 13 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 14 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 15 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 16 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 17 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 18 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 19 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 20 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 21 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 22 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 23 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 24 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 25 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 26 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 27 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 28 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 29 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 30 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 31 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 32 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 33 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 34 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 35 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 36 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 37 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 38 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 39 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 40 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 41 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 42 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 43 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 44 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 45 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 46 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 47 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 48 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 49 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 50 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 51 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 52 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 53 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 54 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 55 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 56 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 57 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 58 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 59 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 60 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 61 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 62 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 63 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 64 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 65 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 66 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 67 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 68 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 69 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 70 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 71 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 72 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 73 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 74 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 75 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 76 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 77 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 78 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 79 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 80 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 81 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 82 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 83 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 84 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 85 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 86 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 87 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 88 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 89 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 90 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 91 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 92 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 93 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 94 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 95 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 96 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 97 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 98 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 99 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 100 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 101 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 102 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 103 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 104 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 105 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 106 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 107 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 108 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 109 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 110 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 111 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 112 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 113 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 114 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 115 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 116 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 117 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 118 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 119 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 120 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 121 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 122 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 123 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 124 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 125 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 126 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 127 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 128 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 129 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 130 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 131 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 132 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 133 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 134 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 135 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 136 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 137 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 138 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 139 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 140 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 141 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 142 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 143 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 144 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 145 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 146 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 147 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 148 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 149 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 150 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 151 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 152 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 153 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 154 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 155 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 156 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 157 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 158 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 159 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 160 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 161 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 162 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 163 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 164 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 165 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 166 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 167 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 168 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 169 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 170 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 171 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 172 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 173 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 174 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 175 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_TM_RefreshTime = 43200 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 0 = 0 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 1 = 5 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 2 = 20 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 3 = 40 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 4 = 60 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 0 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 1 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 2 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 3 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 4 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_D_InhibitESM_threshold = 0 #[ : NoModif](XZG)


Дизель 2.0:

Скрытый текст
# Write_Config_EEM_1
##     E_K_CoefSupplyUocv = 0.5 #[Coefficient for calculation of a weighted average from the two corrected supply voltages for open circuit voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_CoefSupplyVoltage = 0.5 #[Coefficient for calculation of a weighted average from the two corrected supply voltages battery voltage during customer wake up. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_R_BatteryGround = 0.0004 #[Ground battery resistance : sans M270](XZG)
##     E_R_Harness_1 = 0.006 #[Resistance for the correction of the ECU supply 1 voltage measurement : M270 diff?rence de cablage, car batterie arri?re. Cri?tere MTC diff?rent!](XZG)
##     E_R_Harness_2 = 0.006 #[Resistance for the correction of the ECU supply 2 voltage measurement : M270 diff?rence de cablage, car batterie arri?re. Cri?tere MTC diff?rent!](XZG)
##     E_Tau_batt_USM = 0,01 #[Tau constant time for filtering of battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECUSupply1_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply 1 voltage measurement : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Kaw_neg = 0 #[Anti-windup coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Kaw_pos = 0 #[Anti-windup coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Ki_Ualt = 0.1 #[Intregral coefficient for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Kp_Ualt = 0.5 #[Proportional coefficient for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_AltLoad_admissible = 85 #[Alternator load hysteresis low threshold for anti-windup : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_AltLoad_max = 95 #[Alternator load hysteresis high threshold for anti-windup : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_UnderVoltage_DF = 89.1 #[Alternator load rate threshold; under this threshold an under-voltage default can be detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Tau_AlternatorLoad = 0.1 #[Time constant for alternator load filter of regulation loop : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Ualt = 0.15 #[Tau for regulation loop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_AltRegActivWoCAN = 2 #[LH time after ingition ON to activate alternator regulation  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_Default_CommFromECM = 2 #[LH confirmation time of communication from ECM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_Lim_by_Inj = 10 #[Maximum duration for alternator power limitation request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_OverVoltage = 20 #[confirmation time for overvoltage default : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_UnderVoltage = 20 #[confirmation time for undervoltage default : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_BatteryDisconnexion = 15.5 #[LH : alternator voltage request if battery disconnexion is confirmed : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_errorNOK = 0.12 #[High threshold for ok error : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_errorOK = 0.1 #[Low threshold for ok error : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_min = 11.7 #[Saturation of the alternator voltage request - min (except for ballasting interdiction) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_alt_Start = 10.6 #[Initialization value of the alternator voltage request : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_AltBattUnderVoltage_offset = 1,5 #[Voltage offset for detecting an under-voltage default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_VoltageNetwork_min = 12 #[Lowest voltage that can be requested after alternator loading : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_BattUnderVoltage1_Threshold = 10,8 #[Reference battery voltage threshold 1 for detection of a default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_BattUnderVoltage2_Threshold = 12.6 #[Reference battery voltage threshold 2 for detection of a default in USM : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OverVoltage_Supply = 16.6 #[Battery voltage threshold for detection of an over-voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_IConsFlt_A0 = 0.0244 #[Filtering of the consummed current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IConsFlt_B0 = -0.9512 #[Filtering of the consummed current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_PConsFlt_A0 = 0.0244 #[Filtering of the consummed power : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_PConsFlt_B0 = -0.9512 #[Filtering of the consummed power : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_High_limit_max = 0.72 #[weighted average coefficient for high speed, high T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_High_limit_min = 0.62 #[weighted average coefficient for high speed, low T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_Low_limit_max = 0.42 #[weighted average coefficient for low speed, high T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_Low_limit_min = 0.37 #[weighted average coefficient for low speed, low T_eq_cond : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_TempGradientMax = 3 #[Saturation of the maximal battery temperature variation : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_PWM_EngineFanSpeed_Min = 30 #[Fan pwm threshold to switch the battery thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_DefaultVehicleSpeed = 60 #[Vehicle speed by default when engine is running : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_S_mCHTRVSP = 30 #[Vehicule velosity threshold to switch the battery thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_veh_limit_max = 30 #[calculation of the impact of the maximum speed on the temperature : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_S_veh_limit_min = 10 #[calculation of the impact of the minimum speed on the temperature : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_High = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is high (CHTRH) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_Low = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is low (mCHTRL) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_BattSens_Mid = 160 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is used, when air speed in engine compartment is intermediate (CHTRLRF) : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_High = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_Low = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Batt_NoBattSens_Mid = 335 #[Battery thermal time constant when batt temp sensor is not used. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Tau_Engine = 190 #[engine thermal time constant  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_DefaultEngineCoolantTemp = 20 #[Engine coolant temperature when CAN EngineCoolantTemp is unavailable or invalid : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Eq_ext_limit_max = 30 #[calculation temperature impact T? ambiant max : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Eq_ext_limit_min = 10 #[calculation temperature impact T? ambiant min : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_mNPOFS = 0 #[Ambient temp. offset from -terminal to +terminal : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CAN_EngineCoolantTemp = 00000002 #[Confirmation time before LHM value EngineCoolantTemp : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TempBattActiv_delay = 1,5 #[Delay between ECU wake up and activation of the function : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_FrontBattery_type = 1 #[configuration of front battery (battery placed in the underhood compartment)0 : Battery in the back compartment1 : Battery in the front compartment : battery avant tout type, ? pr?voir battery arri?re sur GlobalD et JFC (M270)](XZG)
##     E_B_EngineStatus_check = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_B_RecalagePs100Pct_Inhibit = 0 #[Inhibition of reset of SOC after the end of cells equilibrium. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_STOPSTARTInhibit = 0 #[Inhibition parameter of S&S (0=S&S active; 1=S&S inhibited) : La fonction doit ?tre inhib?e si v?hicule sans capteur de courant](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_B_MaxVoltageForBoost = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibDecoBatt_sty = 0 #[ : ](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_B_InhibDecoBatt_sty_inv = 1 #[ : ](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_I_BattFilt_init = -150 #[Initialisation value of current filter for Gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_AlertePct = 75 #[Alert of an over-estimated battery gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_CoeffCorrTemp = 1.38 #[Correction of pseudo OCV in function of battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IbattRecalageFlt_A0 = 0.0123 #[Filter coefficient of the battery current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_IbattRecalageFlt_B0 = -0.9754 #[Filter coefficient of the battery current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_MaxAhForRecalagePs100Pct = 214748364 #[Threshold of the Ah counter for rebalancing request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_RecalagePs100PctSOC = 90 #[Reset value pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_CapaciteNominale = 70 #[Nominal capacity of a batteryReinforced L3 : D?pend du type et taille batterie](HYB01)
##     E_K_UbattRecalageFlt_A0 = 0.0099 #[Filter coefficient of the battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_UbattRecalageFlt_B0 = -0.9802 #[Filter coefficient of the battery voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCCurrent_limp = 70 #[LH battery current : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_Alerte = 20 #[Temperature threshold for choosing the vector of voltage for the alert of an over-estimated battery gauge  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_RecalagePS100PctTempMax = 50 #[Maximum temperature for taking into account for the reset at pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_RecalagePS100PctTempMin = 10 #[Minimum temperature for taking into account for the reset at pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Ref = 20 #[Battery temperature reference for calculation of correction of OCV measurement in function of mA and T : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_BatteryGaugeActivation = 0.2 #[Delay before the function activation  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ConfirmationAlerte = 5 #[Confirmation duration of alert of overestimated SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentConditionPs100Pct = 10 #[Time of the presence of the current for an available reset at pseudo 100% : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_LimitTime_CustomerConf = 0.5 #[Confirmation time of the customer presence for the voltage gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_RecalagePs100MaxDuration = 0 #[Maximum duration of reequilibrium : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_RecalageTimePs100Pct = 60 #[Time for an available value of reset pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMinForSOCValid = 000000F0 #[Minimum parking time to consider battery OCV representative of SOC : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_ChargerDetect = 13.5 #[High voltage value when a charger is detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_wellCharged = 13.5 #[Value for the reset of the open circuit voltage under charger detection : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattFilt_init = 13 #[Initialisation value of voltage filter for Gauge reset : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_RecalagePS100PctVoltageMax = 16 #[Maximum voltage for counting of the pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_RecalagePS100PctVoltageMin = 14.3 #[Minimum voltage for counting of the pseudo 100% : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_K_chargeCoeff 0 = 0.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_chargeCoeff 1 = 1.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 0 = 65 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 1 = 70 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 2 = 75 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 3 = 80 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 4 = 85 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 5 = 90 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 6 = 91 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 7 = 92 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 8 = 93 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 9 = 94 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 10 = 95 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 11 = 96 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 12 = 97 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 13 = 98 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 14 = 99 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_SOCCoeffSOC 15 = 100 #[Vector of SOC for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 0 = -12.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 1 = -11.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 2 = -10 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 3 = -8.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 4 = -7.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 5 = -6.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 6 = -5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 7 = -3.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 8 = -2.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 9 = -1.25 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 10 = -1.125 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 11 = -1 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 12 = -0.875 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 13 = -0.75 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 14 = -0.625 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 15 = -0.5 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 16 = -0.375 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 17 = -0.005 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_PctCCAAlerte 18 = 0 #[Vector of current transformed in %CCA for the alert of an over-estimated gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_NoLightLimitation = 1800 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_2
##     E1d_K_DischargeCoeff 0 = 1 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_K_DischargeCoeff 1 = 0.5 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForCharge 0 = 0 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForCharge 1 = 20 #[Coefficient of balance for the charge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForDischarge 0 = 0 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_BattForDischarge 1 = 20 #[Coefficient of balance for the discharge : condition T? : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 0 = 0 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 1 = 5 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 2 = 10 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 3 = 15 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 4 = 20 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 5 = 25 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 6 = 30 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 7 = 35 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 8 = 40 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 9 = 45 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattCoeffSOC 10 = 50 #[Vector of temperature for SOC coefficient : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 0 = -40 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 1 = 20 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_TempBattSOC 2 = 30 #[Battery temperature input vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_TempBatt 0 = -30 #[Starting threshold : condition in temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_TempBatt 1 = 20 #[Starting threshold : condition in temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 0 = -100 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 1 = -33 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 2 = -10 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 3 = -3 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 4 = -1 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 5 = 0 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 6 = 0.5 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 7 = 2 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 8 = 3 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Increment_JaugeVT 9 = 4 #[Increments of the VT gauge : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 0 = -0.066 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 1 = -0.007 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_OffsetV_duringTechWakeUp 2 = 0.003 #[DeltaOCV output vector for DeltaOCV calculation by interpolation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_res_BattThreshold 0 = 12,32 #[Crancking threshold for a L3 and L4 Reinforced battery : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_res_BattThreshold 1 = 12,43 #[Crancking threshold for a L3 and L4 Reinforced battery : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 0 = 0 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 1 = 11 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 2 = 11.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 3 = 12 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 4 = 12.25 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 5 = 12.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 6 = 13.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 7 = 13.75 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 8 = 14 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VBatt_IncJaugeVT 9 = 14.5 #[Battery voltage for the VT gauge increment calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 0 = 11.45 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 1 = 11.47 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 2 = 11.5 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 3 = 11.53 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 4 = 11.56 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 5 = 11.61 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 6 = 11.66 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 7 = 11.72 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 8 = 11.82 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 9 = 11.99 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 10 = 12.01 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 11 = 12.04 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 12 = 12.07 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 13 = 12.11 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 14 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 15 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 16 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 17 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_cold 18 = 12.15 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for cold batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_K_CCABatterieNominale = 760 #[CCA for a battery Reinforced L3 : ](HYB01/M9R/EQPEXP,EQPEUR/GDFROI)
##     E_K_TechWUChargerDetect = 1 #[Number of technical wake up for a full charged battery under charger with ESM configured active and Stop&Start configured active : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_PolarizedBattSOC_offset = 0 #[Value of the offset used to calculate the SOC of a medium polarized battery.  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCafterCharger = 100 #[Value for the reset of the battery SOC value under charger detection. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_VeryPolarizedBattSOC = 81 #[Value for the reset of the SOC of a very polarized battery. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_CoeffC = 1,22 #[Coefficient C to calculated initial SOC from OCV, for reinforced battery  : ](HYB01/M9R/EQPEXP,EQPEUR/GDFROI)
##     E_U_CoeffD = 11,568 #[Coefficient D to calculated initial SOC from OCV, for reinforced battery  : ](HYB01/M9R/EQPEXP,EQPEUR/GDFROI)
##     E_U_BattOCVStab_threshold = 17 #[If the slope between two OCV measurements is under this threshold, then the battery OCV is stabilized. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_VeryPolarizedOCV_threshold = 30 #[Value of the OCV threshold to detect a very polarized battery. : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_2ndSignalGround_Conf = 2 #[Temporisation to confirm a loss of electronic mass : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_2ndSignalGround_Det = 0,9 #[Temporisation to detect a loss of electronic mass : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_DefaultBattVoltMeas_Conf = 0,3 #[Temporisation to confirm battery measurement default : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_DefaultBattVoltMeas_Det = 0,3 #[Temporisation to detect a battery measurement default : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_HIGH_min_thr = 4.9 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_LOW_max_thr = 1.04 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_MED_max_thr = 4.03 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_U_FL_STARTER_MED_min_thr = 1.77 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_BATT1_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_BATT2_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_IGN_ON_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_AC_CLUTCH_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_FR_WIPER_HI_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_FR_WIPER_LO_Comp = 0,5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_IGN_AT_LPG_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_LIGHT_REVERSE_LAMP_Comp = 0 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_I_O_WATER_PUMP_Comp = 1.5 #[-2146826246 : -2146826246](XZG)
##     E_TM_LongParkingTime = 00FFFFFE #[Time in minute to use the value indicated by battery temperature sensor : GEE](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_01 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_10 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_12 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_21 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_23 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FAR_DF_32 = 96 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_01 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_10 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_12 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_21 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_23 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_FAR_Level_32 = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Tau_DFFlt_FAR = 5 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_MinimumVoltageByLight = 12 #[From 0 top xxV by step12V for LED HeadLamp13,6V for bulb headlamp : During acceleration phase, the battery voltage could fall to a low value (12V).It can be created a variation of light intensity. If a light is On, USM lighting model should asking a minimum battery voltage](XZG/LEDH2,LEDH3)
##     E_Pct_MaxAltLoad_SailingIdle = 95 #[Producer load threshold of overrun detection during a sailing idle phase : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCmin_SailingIdle = 70 #[SOC threshold of sailing idle inhibitionSOC Inhibition to ensure that the battery will be able to supply powernet during Sailing Idle phases even if a big consumer is switched ON. : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_SailingIdle = -40 #[Battery temperature threshold of sailing idle inhibitionProvided in case of Sailing inhibition need according battery temperature. Not activated for the moment : ](XZG)
##     E_B_SailingIdle_Inhibit = 1 #[Inhibition flag of EEM_SailingIdleForbidden calculation strategy0 = activated, 1 = inhibited : ](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitSailinginDelivery = 1 #[Inhibition flag of Sailing Idle when the vehicle is in Delivery Mode0 = activated, 1 = inhibited : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_UnderVFaultDetInhibition = 20 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_4
##     E_U_ECUSupply2_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply 2 voltage measurement : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_ECUSupplyUocv_Offset = 0 #[Voltage drop offset for the correction of the ECU supply voltage measurement for open circuit voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OCSignG_Offset = 0.7 #[Voltage offset for an electronical mass loss default detected : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitESMinDelivery = 1 #[Inhibition of ESM in Delivery mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_InhibitSSinDelivery = 1 #[Parameter which inhibits the S&S in delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCAuthorizedESM_init = 1 #[Initial value for the low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCforDOD_ESM_init = 1 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOCforDOD_SS_init = 1 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_FloatingInhibit = 1 #[line side (bord de chaine) configuration for the autorization of the Floating : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_B_negative_1_posneg_rate = 0 #[positive and negative voltage rate : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_BattDisconnection_inhibit = 0 #[Parameter which inhibits the detection of the battery disconnection (0=NotInhibited; 1=Inhibited) : La fonction doit ?tre inhib?e si v?hicule sans capteur de courant](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_I_CurrentStop_batt_max = 255 #[Maximum discharged battery current authorized in stop auto : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCAuthorizedESM_hyst = 1 #[Width of hysteresis for the low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCAuthorizedESM_min = 80 #[Low limit SOC for the battery to authorize the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_ESM_hyst = 1 #[hysteresis SOC width for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_ESM_min = 80 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_SS_hyst = 1 #[hysteresis SOC width for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCforDOD_SS_min = 80 #[hysteresis lowest SOC for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_Batt_StopStart = -5 #[Minimum battery temperature to authorize an automatic stop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentStop_max = 10 #[Minimum duration for validate a stop current : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_X 0 = 81 #[x-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_X 1 = 100 #[x-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_Y 0 = 0 #[y-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_ESM_Y 1 = 0 #[y-values for ESM Depth of Discharge definition : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_X 0 = 81 #[x-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_X 1 = 100 #[x-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_Y 0 = 1 #[y-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_DOD_SS_Y 1 = 5 #[y-values for S&S Depth of Discharge definition : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_BattSensorVariation = 5 #[Minimum battery current sensor output voltage variation in order not to detect a battery disconnection  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_BattDiscConf = 3 #[Time of confirmation for a battery disconnection detection : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_MedSticking_max = 2565 #[Maximum limit of the range of the battery current sensor output voltage  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_MedSticking_min = 2435 #[Minimum limit of the range of the battery current sensor output voltage  : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_max = 5 #[Maximum saturation of the SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_min = 0 #[Minimum saturation of the SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_Step_max = 2 #[Decrease step when the SOF counter is at maximum value : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_SOFCounter_Step_min = 1 #[Decrease step when the SOF counter is not at maximum value : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOCminforSOF = 80 #[SOC limitation to increase SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_Temp_BattminforSOF = -5 #[Temperature limitation to increase SOF counter : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_SOFAutoStartOffset = 0 #[change of threshold for lowest voltage during crancking at engine restart : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 0 = -5 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 1 = 0 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 2 = 10 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 3 = 20 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 4 = 30 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_SOFThreshold 5 = 40 #[Temperature value used to calculate the voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 0 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 1 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 2 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 3 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 4 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_SOFTreshold 5 = 6,9 #[Voltage value used for the voltage threshold calculation : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_AC_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_BCM_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_Charge_rate = 0.1 #[battery recharge voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_E_voltage_rate_ECM_LHM = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_neg_rate = 2 #[ESM negative voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_frozen = 0 #[ESM frozen voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_limit = 0,5 #[Rising voltage limited after discharge : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_pos_rate = 2 #[ESM positive voltage rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Float_rate = 0.2 #[Floating rate : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate0_by_ECM = 20 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM = "No request or Rate0" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate1_by_ECM = 0.1 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate1" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate2_by_ECM = 0.5 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate2" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_AC = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by AC, if VoltageRateByAC =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_BCM = 20 #[Value of maximum voltage rate requested by BCM, if VoltageRateByBCM =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_dU_Rate3_by_ECM = 5 #[Value requested by ECM for the voltage rate, if VoltageRateByECM =  "Rate3" : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_I_Batt_max = 30 #[Limit of battry current after a phase of descharge : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_BattHighVoltage_Max_High = 0.63 #[High threshold of the value of voltage time for high limitation of the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_BattHighVoltage_Max_Low = 0.34 #[Low threshold of the value of voltage time for high limitation of the ESM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_HighVoltageFilter_A0 = 0,0000167 #[Filtering time constant for the calculation of the integral of high voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_HighVoltageFilter_B0 = -0,9999666 #[Filtering time constant for the calculation of the integral of high voltage : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_K_RalaccInhibitionFilter_A0 = 0,00232 #[Filtering constant for the inhibition of the accelerated idle speed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_RalaccInhibitionFilter_B0 = -0,99535 #[Filtering constant for the inhibition of the accelerated idle speed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FloatingSOCHigh = 95 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Charge threshold high (x_2, x_4) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Pct_FloatingSOCLow = 90 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Charge threshold low (x_1, x_3) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_batt_min = 0 #[Battery temperature threshold for minimum voltage request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Temp_FloatingInhibit = 15 #[criteria of temperature of engine coolant to authorize the floating  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Teta_High = 50 #[Z Curve - voltage threshold for high temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_Teta_Low = 30 #[Z Curve - voltage threshold for low temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_AC_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH CLIM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_MAX = 14.6 #[Z Curve - voltage target for low temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_MIN = 13.8 #[Z Curve - voltage target for high temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_RecalagePs100Pct = 14.5 #[Battery voltage target for reset Pseudo100% of the battery : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_VoltageNetwork_max = 15.6 #[Maximum saturation volateg of the battery voltage target : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattForOffsetMAX = 12.8 #[Boost curve - voltage threshold for high SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BattForOffsetMIN = 12 #[Boost curve - voltage threshold for low SOC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_BCM_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH BCM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECM_maxLHM = 16 #[Default value, if the CAN MaximumVoltagebyECM frame is unavailable or invalid : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ECM_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH ECM : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_ESM_batt_min = 12 #[ESM discharge voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_Floating = 13.5 #[Vector of primary floating voltage : Floating voltage (y_3, y_4, y_5) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_HighVoltageThreshold = 14.7 #[High voltage threshold; over this threshold the high voltage is taken into account : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_U_OffsetMAX = 0.8 #[Boost curve - voltage target for low SOC  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_OffsetMIN = 0 #[Boost curve - voltage target for high SOC  : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_OptiVoltNoDischarge = 13 #[Value of AlternatorOptimumVoltage, if discharge forbidden. : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_RegeESM = 15 #[ESM regeneration voltage : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_Steer_min = 12 #[LH limitation ESM if LH DA : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_125 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_130 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_135 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_B_SOFinhibition = 0 #[SOF inhibition : NoModif](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_B_ESMInhibit = 0 #[Inhibition of ESM : GEE](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_B_ESMInhibitionByLights = 0 #[R : 0 : This parameters is only used for T4VS architectur and not for CMF1.](XZG)
##     E_B_AutoStart_HV = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_NoCharge = 13,1 #[Value when no chager is detected : GEE](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_min_neg_rate = 2 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_dU_ESM_min_pos_rate = 2 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_K_JaugeMin_Lights = 80 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Temp_BattMin_Lights = 0 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_Temp_EngineMin_Lights = 100 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_ESM_step = 0.8 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_U_max_by_Lights = 15.6 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_TM_MaxAltLoad_SailingIdle = 20 #[Confirmation timer of producer overrun during a sailing idle phase : Pre-calibration value. To be tuned in mule](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_5
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_140 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 0 = 88 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 1 = 90 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 2 = 91 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 3 = 96 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 4 = 97 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 5 = 98 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 6 = 99 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Pct_SOCinterESM_145 7 = 100 #[SOC value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 0 = -40 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 1 = -20 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 2 = 0 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 3 = 20 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 4 = 40 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 5 = 60 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 6 = 80 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_Temp_interESM_150 7 = 100 #[Temperature value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_125 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_130 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_135 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_140 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 0 = 13 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 1 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 2 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 3 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 4 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 5 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_145 6 = 12 #[ Voltage value for the calculation of the Primary voltage target - Intermediate mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 0 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 1 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 2 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 3 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 4 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 5 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 6 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_interESM_150 7 = 15,6 #[Voltage value to calculate the maximum voltage by battery temperature : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 0 = 12 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 1 = 13 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc 2 = 13.5 #[Vector of 3 points of battery voltage target, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 0 = 11.8 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 1 = 12.4 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_U_Ralacc_threshold 2 = 12.8 #[Vector of 3 points of reference battery voltage, used for the determination of the inhibition of increased idlespeed : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_SOC_LOB = 75 #[Maximum SOC threshold to authorize life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_FPC_Inhibit = 1 #[Configuration for the inhibition of the LoadShedding strategy for pulse compatibility : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_LOB_Inhibit = 1 #[Configuration for the inhibition of the LoadShedding strategy for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILoadShedding_Activ = 1 #[Activation of LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" state 1 : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILowBattCustom_Activ = 1 #[Activation of "LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" states 2 and 3 in customer mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_MMILowBattDeliv_Activ = 1 #[Activation of "LowBatteryVoltageDisplay?" states 2 and 3 in delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_B_FAR_Inhibit = 1 #[ : ](XZG)
##     E_I_CurrentStop_FPC_batt_max = 70 #[Maximum consummed current authorized in automatic stop : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_CurrentStop_FPC_max = 2 #[Maximum duration for the high current consummed by the consummers before unballast FPC : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_FPC = 0.3 #[Maximum duration of unballast request FPC before an automatic restart request : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_MMI = 15 #[Maximum duration before MMI unballast message : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_ELSH_MMI_Duration = 120 #[Duration of MMI message associated to Unballast request for Life on Board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_LOB_Authorized_Max = 1800 #[Maximum duration authorized for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_LOB_Authorized_Min = 300 #[Minimum duration authorized for life on board : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_RestartDone_FPC = 0.1 #[Duration of confirmation for the automatic restart, done after an unballast request FPC : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_U_batt_LOB_max = 13 #[Voltage threshold : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_BattCurrent_LevelAlert = 1 #[Level alert for battery current sensor default. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_K_BatteryLevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for battery disconnection. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG/HYB01)
##     E_K_ECM2USM_Level = 1 #[Level alert for CAN communication default from ECM to USM 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_JaugeChargedMotorON = 25 #[Threshold for end of battery load alert (VTGauge) : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_Overvoltage_LevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for overvoltage defaut. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_Undervoltage_LevelAlert = 2 #[Level alert for undervoltage defaut. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_K_VoltageMesLevelAlert = 1 #[Level alert for voltage measurement default. 0 : No alert - 1 : Orange - 2 : Red : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMaxOfLowBattVoltDisp = 0 #[Timer to wait before sending a second alert to the user - Customer Mode : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_TimeMinToInformChargDisp = 60 #[Minimum duration for lighting on "Battery in charge". : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_TM_WaitCustomerMode = 900 #[Duration from vehicle wake up before lighting on alert on battery load - Customer mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E_TM_WaitDeliveryMode = 2 #[Duration from vehicle wake up before lighting on alert on battery load - Delivery mode : MAP - bord de chaine](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 0 = 11.6 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 1 = 11.63 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 2 = 11.65 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 3 = 11.68 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 4 = 11.71 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 5 = 11.74 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 6 = 11.79 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 7 = 11.84 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 8 = 11.93 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 9 = 12.07 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 10 = 12.09 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 11 = 12.11 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 12 = 12.14 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 13 = 12.17 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 14 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 15 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 16 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 17 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E1d_U_VMiniAlert_warm 18 = 12.21 #[Alert voltage vector for over-estimated gauge for hot batteries Reinforced : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_Pct_SOC_LOB = 75 #[ : ](XZG)
# Write_Config_EEM_8
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 0 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 1 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 2 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 3 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 4 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 5 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 6 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 7 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 8 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 9 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 10 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 11 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 12 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 13 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 14 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 15 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 16 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 17 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 18 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 19 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 20 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 21 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 22 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 23 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 24 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 25 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 26 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 27 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 28 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 29 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 30 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 31 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 32 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 33 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 34 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 35 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 36 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 37 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 38 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 39 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 40 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 41 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 42 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 43 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 44 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 45 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 46 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 47 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 48 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 49 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 50 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 51 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 52 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 53 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 54 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 55 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 56 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 57 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 58 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 59 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 60 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 61 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 62 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 63 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 64 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 65 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 66 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 67 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 68 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 69 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 70 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 71 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 72 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 73 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 74 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 75 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 76 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 77 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 78 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 79 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 80 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 81 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 82 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 83 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 84 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 85 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 86 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 87 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 88 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 89 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 90 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 91 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 92 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 93 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 94 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 95 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 96 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 97 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 98 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 99 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 100 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 101 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 102 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 103 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 104 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 105 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 106 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 107 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 108 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 109 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 110 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 111 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 112 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 113 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 114 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 115 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 116 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 117 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 118 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 119 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 120 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 121 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 122 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 123 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 124 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 125 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 126 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 127 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 128 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 129 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 130 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 131 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 132 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 133 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 134 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 135 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 136 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 137 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 138 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 139 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 140 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 141 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 142 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 143 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 144 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 145 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 146 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 147 = 0.9 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 148 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 149 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 150 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 151 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 152 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 153 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 154 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 155 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 156 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 157 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 158 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 159 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 160 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 161 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 162 = 0.95 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 163 = 0.8 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 164 = 0.7 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 165 = 0.6 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 166 = 0.5 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 167 = 0.4 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 168 = 0.3 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 169 = 0.2 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 170 = 0.1 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 171 = 0.05 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 172 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 173 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 174 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E2d_K_RendSOC 175 = 0 #[Vector which correct the SOC depending of the battery T?C and the acceptancy current, for reinforced batteries : D?pend du type batterie](XZG)
##     E_TM_RefreshTime = 43200 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 0 = 0 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 1 = 5 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 2 = 20 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 3 = 40 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_temp_RecalagePs100PctTemp 4 = 60 #[ : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 0 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 1 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 2 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 3 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E1d_I_RecalagePs100PctMaxCurrent 4 = 20 #[Current for reset at pseudo 100% accepted : NoModif](XZG)
##     E_D_InhibitESM_threshold = 0 #[ : NoModif](XZG)



Как я писал ранее, отличия в нескольких параметрах, хотя аккумуляторы устанавливаются разные.

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6 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Что-то мне подсказывает, что производители аккумуляторов не имеют никакого отношения к тому, что пишут в интернетах про зарядку.

Все-таки нет, одно дело интернет, а другое - официальный сайт производителей АКБ, посмотрите, как раз таки пишут, что ниже 13,8в и выше 14,5в - сокращает срок службы АКБ.

7 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

У меня такая же версия как у всех. Доступу к современной онлайн-версии нет. Но 99% что и в свежей официальной версии нет ответа на вопросы по генератору: официалы до такого уровня не опускаются, если что-то не так с генератором или аккумулятором, то они подлежат замене.

Разные версии бывают, замечал отличия.

Но чтобы понять, что с генератором "что-то не так" - нужны какие-то исходые данные. Типо, "если напряжение не в норме (какой?) - замените генератор или аккумулятор"

7 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Блок, который занимается зарядкой аккумулятора, одинаковый для всех машин Рено этого поколения (Колеос-2, Сценик-4, Талисман, Эспейс 5 и т.д.).

Ну тогда понятно - заряжают, как обычный АКБ, а может и просто для того, чтоб побольше реношных АКБ продать, которые от перезаряда раньше выйдут из строя (хоть они и крайне живучие при нормальном напряжении).

6 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Для тех, кто хочет лично поразбираться с тем, как работает система зарядки, хочу привести набор параметров БЗиК, имеющих отношение к аккумулятору и генератору для 3-x версий Колеос-2, которые продавались в России (назначение и физический смысл большинства параметров мне неизвестно):

Знать бы еще, как эту азбуку морзе расшифровывать и анализировать :)


Подскажите, по какому принципу Колеос-2 решает, активировать ли Старт-Стоп или запрещать ему срабатывать?

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1 час назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Все-таки нет, одно дело интернет, а другое - официальный сайт производителей АКБ, посмотрите, как раз таки пишут, что ниже 13,8в и выше 14,5в - сокращает срок службы АКБ.

Если принять точку зрения, что производитель  аккумулятора прав, значит такой аккумулятор нельзя ставить в Колеос, т.к. при эксплуатации будет и выше 14.5В (не долго) и ниже 13.8 (очень долго).

Для примера, очередной график напряжения после стоянки в течении суток:



С учетом погрешности измерения максимум был не менее 15.2В, в конце цикла интенсивной зарядки было 14.7В, потом упало до 14.1В (в заводской конфигурации вместо 14.1В было бы 13.5В.

Вот аналогичный график, записанный год назад до коррекции поддерживающего напряжения:



Я не специалист по аккумуляторам и спорить не буду, но почему-то другие VRLA/AGM аккумуляторы (с номером Рено) штатно устанавливаются в наши машины. Возможно, дело не в технологии, как таковой, а в конкретных аккумуляторах для которых допустим только диапазон 13.8В...14.5В.


1 час назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Разные версии бывают, замечал отличия.

Я пользуюсь Диалоджисом 3.78, есть также 3.90, но с французскими мануалами. Более свежих "общедоступных" версий я не встречал.

1 час назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Но чтобы понять, что с генератором "что-то не так" - нужны какие-то исходые данные. Типо, "если напряжение не в норме (какой?) - замените генератор или аккумулятор"

Речь, вероятно, идет об алгоритмах поиска неисправностей (АПН). В "общедоступном" оффлайн-Диалоджисе не одного АПН для Колеоса я не видел, что-то есть в виде pdf для более старых машин. У официалов есть доступ к расширенному набору документации, но теперь только онлайн.

Также некоторая информация может быть в "Клипе", оттуда можно извлечь документацию с помощью Пирена. Завтра посмотрю, может быть какие-то цифры по  генератору и аккуму.

Для интереса можно посмотреть документацию по X-Trail T32, она более подробная.


1 час назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Знать бы еще, как эту азбуку морзе расшифровывать и анализировать

В этом и проблема. Очевидно, что алгоритм зарядки довольно сложный, но не обязательно правильный. В открытом доступе алгоритма нет.

Меня больше напрягает даже не повышенное напряжение, которое бывает довольно кратковременно в начале поездки и точно не приведёт к перезаряду, а поддерживающее напряжение 13.5 В, которое держится на протяжение всей поездки.

Совершенно очевидно и проверено на практике на Колеосе2 и Сценике 3, что это приводит к хроническом недозаряду и быстрому сдыханию  аккумулятора. Я эту проблему решил поднятием поддерживающего напряжения, но сделал это на свой страх и риск и утверждать, что это совершенно безопасно не берусь.

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8 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Если принять точку зрения, что производитель  аккумулятора прав, значит такой аккумулятор нельзя ставить в Колеос, т.к. при эксплуатации будет и выше 14.5В (не долго) и ниже 13.8 (очень долго).

Вот эти AGMы и выходят из строя быстро.

У меня такой (с новья стоит):



И есть подозрение, что он уже скоро потребует замены. Может кто знает, можно ли в него сколько-то подлить дисц. воды через шприц (если допустить версию, что он "подсох" от перезаряда)?

8 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Для примера, очередной график напряжения после стоянки в течении суток:

Спасибо, интересно. А есть такой график для поездки минут 15-30 после ночи и холодного старта, чтоб было видно по минутам, сколько по времени оно держит повышенное напряжение и когда переходит на пониженное?

А какой акум стоит? Видно, что за год чуть подзачах, судя по более низкому напряжению при запуске (9,82в против 10,33в), хотя тут еще может и температура и степень заряженности повлиять.

Возможно ли произвести коррекцию и верхнего порога зарядки?


Подскажите, по какому принципу Колеос-2 решает, активировать ли Старт-Стоп или запрещать ему срабатывать? По стартовому напряжению после простоя или от чего зависит?

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9 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Подскажите, по какому принципу Колеос-2 решает, активировать ли Старт-Стоп или запрещать ему срабатывать? По стартовому напряжению после простоя или от чего зависит?

По совокупности факторов, в том числе - и в зависимости от температуры "за бортом". Если я зимой, когда на улице хороший минус,  выезжаю из теплого подземного паркинга (зимой там не холоднее +5 град.С), то первые десять минут (примерно) система Старт/Стоп глушит двигатель на светофорах.  А потом - перестает.

А при положительной температуре на улице ситуация следующая - если я несколько дней на машине не ездил, то первые полчаса поездки (примерно) двигатель на светофорах не глушится, а потом - начинает. Вероятно, оценивается уровень заряженности АКБ.

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10 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

У меня такой (с новья стоит):

Мне такой (или похожий желтый) заменили по гарантии около 2 лет назад. С ним были проблемы с самого первого дня.

По гарантии поставили 77 11 574 55


Скрытый текст



Графики напряжения были примерно такими же как сейчас.


Насколько мне известно, в момент запуска двигателя БЗИК оценивает состояние аккумулятора по просадке напряжения, вычисляя SOC (State of Charge - состояние заряда) и  SOH (State of Health - состояние здоровья) и по результатам определяет стратегию заряда на ближайшую поездку. Во время поездки мощность генератора корректируется для обеспечения расчетного напряжения (генератор у нас с цифровым управлением). На машинах с датчиком тока (дизельные Колеос2) также учитывается показания этого датчика.


10 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

А есть такой график для поездки минут 15-30 после ночи и холодного старта, чтоб было видно по минутам, сколько по времени оно держит повышенное напряжение и когда переходит на пониженное?

Информация есть примерно за 2 года.

Время удержания повышенного напряжения зависит больше от предыстории (долго ли машина до этого стояла, много ли ездила) и забортной температуры.

Сейчас у меня на 90% ежедневно по 2 короткие поездки на работу и обратно по городу по 7 км за 30-40 минут. Как правило, напряжение падает минут через 20.

Когда уезжаю подальше, то обычно тоже в начале заряд 15-20 минут, а последующие поездки бывают и без повышения напряжения.

Когда сидели на первой ковидной самоизоляции, то раз в 3-4 дня "выгуливал" машину до понижения напряжения, иногда на это уходил час и более.


10 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Видно, что за год чуть подзачах, судя по более низкому напряжению при запуске (9,82в против 10,33в),

Напряжение при запуске на этих графиках не стоит учитывать. Сигналка мерит с очень низкой частотой, более-менее приемлемая точность только на большом интервале. Плюс в том, что сигналка мерит постоянно и сохраняет результат в "облаке".

Я несколько раз записывал логи напряжений в блоках через elm327 (использовал Torque), там графики на коротких интервалах совсем другие, очень много "шумов" и выбросов, но зато они более точные.


10 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

тут еще может и температура и степень заряженности повлиять.

У меня с прошлого года кардинально поменялся режим пользования машины, стал намного меньше ездить по будням (из-за платной парковки у работы). Температура на тех графиках. которые я привёл была примерно одинаковая, но на прошлогоднем еще не было увеличено "поддерживающее" напряжение 13.5 В


10 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Возможно ли произвести коррекцию и верхнего порога зарядки?

Скорее всего, можно (есть несколько параметров, похожих на верхний порог), но никакой документации на этот счет нет, пробовать придется на свой стар и риск.

10 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Подскажите, по какому принципу Колеос-2 решает, активировать ли Старт-Стоп или запрещать ему срабатывать? По стартовому напряжению после простоя или от чего зависит?

Точной информации об этом нет. С точки зрения пользователя всё описал @AlexandrPolonsky

"Старт-стоп" есть только на дизельных Колеос-2 и только на них есть датчик тока. Скорее всего, этот датчик также используется для более точной оценки состояния аккумулятора и принятия решения о разрешении работы "Старт-Стоп"

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Есть подробный мануал (на английском) по системе зарядки X-Trail T32: CHG.pdf (я пока внимательно не изучал)

Общие принципы должны совпадать с Колеос 2

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3 часа назад, Мышун сказал:

Есть подробный мануал (на английском) по системе зарядки X-Trail T32:

Там отдельно описаны машины "type 1" - со старт-стопом и датчиком тока и "type 2" без старт-стопа и датчика тока. Всё как у нас на Колоесах.

В обоих случаях написано, что генератор подлежит замене, если не выдает при 2500 об/мин напряжение в диапазоне 13-16 В.

К сожалению, более подробной информации нет и в этом документе.


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3 часа назад, Мышун сказал:

Мне такой (или похожий желтый) заменили по гарантии около 2 лет назад. С ним были проблемы с самого первого дня.

По гарантии поставили 77 11 574 55

А не осталось фото заказ-наряда о гарантийной замене?  (какие-то личные данные можно прикрыть бумажками или замаскировать) Может и я попробую попросить по гарантии заменить с учетом того, что этот АКБ косячный (хотя скорее зарядка с генератора его убивает).

4 часа назад, Мышун сказал:

Точной информации об этом нет. С точки зрения пользователя всё описал @AlexandrPolonsky

"Старт-стоп" есть только на дизельных Колеос-2 и только на них есть датчик тока. Скорее всего, этот датчик также используется для более точной оценки состояния аккумулятора и принятия решения о разрешении работы "Старт-Стоп"

А сколько всего датчиков и какие на дизеле участвуют в анализе?

4 часа назад, Мышун сказал:

Скорее всего, можно (есть несколько параметров, похожих на верхний порог), но никакой документации на этот счет нет, пробовать придется на свой стар и риск.

Кстати, заметил по вашим графикам, что и верхнее поднялось (было 15,16в, стало 15,36в) - стало быть проблему недозаряда - решили, но проблему перезаряда (актуальную для AGM) - усугубили.

В идеале, видимо, как-то надо сделать так, чтоб оно повышало нижнее и понижало верхнее одновременно.


Попробовал поездить с китайской штуковиной в прикуривателе, которая показывает напряжение, после холодной заводки и езды, оно долго держалось 14,7-14,9в. Как нагрелась - то чаще 14,3-14,5. Однако был момент, когда нажал "Mute" на музыку - показало коротко 12,5в (т.е. типо не подзаряжало вовсе), потом пробовал повторно - и уже не повторилось - 14,3-14,5. Иногда что-то надумает себе и 14,7 бывает. Режима, когда постоянно  "ниже 13,8в" - не дождался, может с учетом плохого АКБ оно решает, что нельзя.

1 час назад, Мышун сказал:

В обоих случаях написано, что генератор подлежит замене, если не выдает при 2500 об/мин напряжение в диапазоне 13-16 В.

К сожалению, более подробной информации нет и в этом документе.

Кстати, посмотрел в вашем файле - там написано на последней странице "Regulated output voltage 14.0 – 14.6" на "MR engine"

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1 час назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Может и я попробую попросить по гарантии заменить с учетом того, что этот АКБ косячный

Не факт, что косячные все АКБ этого типа, не у всех они выходят из строя.

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16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

А не осталось фото заказ-наряда о гарантийной замене?  (какие-то личные данные можно прикрыть бумажками или замаскировать) Может и я попробую попросить по гарантии заменить с учетом того, что этот АКБ косячный (хотя скорее зарядка с генератора его убивает).

По гарантийной замене документов не выдавали, всё было в электроном виде. Я не просил распечатать, т.к. решение было в мою пользу, а гарантия на новый аккум только до конца действия основной гарантии, т.е. всего месяц в моём случае.

Для принятия решения о замене аккум гоняли каким-то навороченным зарядным устройством с функцией проверки.

Предварительно проверили "Мидтрониксом" и он написал "Замените", но для гарантийной замены этого вердикта оказалось недостаточно по новым правилам.

Машину оставлял на сутки, но фактически на проверку ушло около 4 часов. От машины аккум не отключали. Судя по изменению напряжения, которое я наблюдал дистанционно через сигналку, было выполнено несколько неполных циклов заряд-разряд.

16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

А сколько всего датчиков и какие на дизеле участвуют в анализе?

На минусовой клемме - датчик тока, совмещенный с датчиком температуры. Что ещё используется, можно только догадываться. В каждом ЭБУ есть контроль напряжения питания, также доступна информация какие потребители включены, температура, обороты двигателя и т.д. Не думаю, что для управления генератором нужно что-то ещё.

16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Кстати, заметил по вашим графикам, что и верхнее поднялось (было 15,16в, стало 15,36в) - стало быть проблему недозаряда - решили, но проблему перезаряда (актуальную для AGM) - усугубили.

Я ничего не усугублял. По верхним напряжениям всё осталось как было с завода, просто графики записаны при разном начальном состоянии аккумулятора из-за этого и напряжение разное.

16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Попробовал поездить с китайской штуковиной в прикуривателе, которая показывает напряжение, после холодной заводки и езды, оно долго держалось 14,7-14,9в. Как нагрелась - то чаще 14,3-14,5.

Я думаю, что "китайской штуковине", тем более в прикуривателе нельзя верить по абсолютным значениям напряжения, но, судя по всему напряжение не падало до поддерживающего.

Напомните, у Вас дизель или бензин?

По дизелю у меня не было возможности проводить исследования, не исключено, что там всё управление идет по датчику тока и напряжение вообще не понижается пока аккумулятор принимает ток.

16 часов назад, Jurik-II сказал:

Кстати, посмотрел в вашем файле - там написано на последней странице "Regulated output voltage 14.0 – 14.6" на "MR engine"

Это параметры конкретного генератора. Я не уверен, что на Колеосы ставят такие же генераторы, как на T32.

БЗиК у нас внешне такой же как IPDM на T32, но реношный софт не видит ниссановский блок, прошивки точно разные, могут быть разными и алгоритмы.

15 часов назад, newmaxs сказал:

Не факт, что косячные все АКБ этого типа, не у всех они выходят из строя.

Мне на следующий день после покупки машины пришлось "прикуривать".

Думаю, что машину не правильно хранили до продажи и аккум ушел в глубокий разряд и это стало причиной его быстрой гибели.

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4 часа назад, Мышун сказал:

Я думаю, что "китайской штуковине", тем более в прикуривателе нельзя верить по абсолютным значениям напряжения, но, судя по всему напряжение не падало до поддерживающего.

Напомните, у Вас дизель или бензин?

По дизелю у меня не было возможности проводить исследования, не исключено, что там всё управление идет по датчику тока и напряжение вообще не понижается пока аккумулятор принимает ток.

Дизель, китайскую штуку сверю с мультиметром и будет примерно видно точность.

4 часа назад, Мышун сказал:

По гарантийной замене документов не выдавали, всё было в электроном виде. Я не просил распечатать, т.к. решение было в мою пользу, а гарантия на новый аккум только до конца действия основной гарантии, т.е. всего месяц в моём случае.

У меня, он конечно, послужил почти 3 года, но надо будет как-то обосновать, чтоб заменили. Запускает уже не с той скоростью стартера и старт-стоп не активирует вообще.

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1 час назад, Jurik-II сказал:


Тогда, вероятнее всего, на Вашей машине совсем не так как на моей, поскольку имеется датчик тока и температуры АКБ.



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2 часа назад, Jurik-II сказал:

старт-стоп не активирует вообще

При минусовой температуре и не будет активировать, а в РБ сейчас вроде в основном ниже нуля или около нуля.

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23.11.2022 в 03:04, Jurik-II сказал:

Вот эти AGMы и выходят из строя быстро.

У меня такой (с новья стоит):



И есть подозрение, что он уже скоро потребует замены. Может кто знает, можно ли в него сколько-то подлить дисц. воды через шприц (если допустить версию, что он "подсох" от перезаряда)?

Спасибо, интересно. А есть такой график для поездки минут 15-30 после ночи и холодного старта, чтоб было видно по минутам, сколько по времени оно держит повышенное напряжение и когда переходит на пониженное?

А какой акум стоит? Видно, что за год чуть подзачах, судя по более низкому напряжению при запуске (9,82в против 10,33в), хотя тут еще может и температура и степень заряженности повлиять.

Возможно ли произвести коррекцию и верхнего порога зарядки?


Подскажите, по какому принципу Колеос-2 решает, активировать ли Старт-Стоп или запрещать ему срабатывать? По стартовому напряжению после простоя или от чего зависит?

Пробег 120т 1088132501_.thumb.jpg.b96aaecd91f23f9a137c86f4ec980893.jpg

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15 часов назад, Мышун сказал:

Я думаю, что "китайской штуковине", тем более в прикуривателе нельзя верить по абсолютным значениям напряжения, но, судя по всему напряжение не падало до поддерживающего.

7 часов назад, KVY сказал:

При минусовой температуре и не будет активировать, а в РБ сейчас вроде в основном ниже нуля или около нуля.

Короче сверил показания китайской штуки "Hoco" с китайским мультиметром - перед холодным стартом нажал на кнопку запуска без тормоза, чтоб не запустилась, но включила прикуриватель - 11,7в "Hoco" и 11,69в на мультиметре. Завел, на "Hoco" то 14,7, то 14,9в, а по мультиметру тоже, показания скачут от 14,72 до 14,87в - получается, что точность скорее всего хорошая у этой штуки.

При холодной езде показания в основном высокие, один раз даже 15,0в показывало.

Поездил, и все время было чаще всего от 14,3 до 14,7в (на уже прогретом моторе).

НО: машина простояла где-то 2,5-3 часа, запустил, поехал - и она начала активировать старт-стоп и появился этот дурацкий поддерживающий режим 13,0-13,4в. Причем может и с фарами и обогревом все равно те же ущербные 13,4в давать. Иногда смилостивится и даст 13,8-13,9в. Получается, ЭБУ отсчитывает часы простоя и после какого-то времени считает, что это "холодный запуск". Но по факту, машина не успела за это время остыть, АКБ еще теплый и свежеподзаряженный и он легко стартер провернул - ЭБУ подумало, что АКБ "здоров" и через 10 мин начало активировать "старт-стоп" и ущербный режим 13вольт зарядки. В общем, алгоритм работы не совсем корректный, думаю придется либо менять АКБ на другой тип (не AGM), которому не так страшны излишки и недостатки напряжения либо как-то поднимать "нижнее" и понижать "верхнее" напряжение.

5 часов назад, Yan Gillan сказал:

Пробег 120т 

У меня такие замеры тоже проводили (в первый год было 470А вроде, а во второй 570А, возможно там был более подзаряженный внешней зарядкой), однако, насколько я понимаю, эти показания не совсем корректные. Ток холодной прокрутки вроде бы снимается при -18С и после какого-то простоя батареи, а не с АКБ, прогретой моторным пространством и свежеподзаряженной.

Сейчас я слышу, что обороты стартера ниже стали, чем раньше. 

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