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Здравствуйте, форумчане! Купил grand  scenic 4. Помогите разобраться с режимами вождения : спорт, нейтральный, комфорт... На что они влияют? Или просто цвет оформления ? Спасибо.

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9 часов назад, АртурНек сказал:

Здравствуйте, форумчане! Купил grand  scenic 4. Помогите разобраться с режимами вождения : спорт, нейтральный, комфорт... На что они влияют? Или просто цвет оформления ? Спасибо.

инструкцию читал? п.3.2-3.3

Скрытый текст

The Multi-Sense system enables once
of five modes to be selected which, depending
on the vehicle, affect the drive,
the light environment, the comfort and
the engine noise:
– modes Comfort , Neutral, Eco and
Sport are preset and associated with
customisable light environments and
engine noise;
– mode Perso is fully customisable.
The drive modes affect the:
– power-assisted steering;
– engine and gearbox responsiveness;
– heating level.
They also affect the:
– passenger compartment and instrument
panel lighting;
– instrument panel and multifunction
screen information;
– engine noise;
– massage seat.
After each start-up, the vehicle uses the
mode set at the time the engine was
last switched off.
Mode Comfort
This mode favours smooth steering.
The interior environment is softened.
Mode Neutral
Default mode, mode Neutral selects the
vehicle factory settings.
Mode Eco
Mode Eco is geared towards saving
energy and the environment. The
steering is smooth, engine and gearbox
management enable fuel consumption
to be lowered. Air conditioning is managed
to be used only when necessary.
Please refer to the information on
“Driving advice, Eco-driving” in
Section 2.
Sport mode
This mode enables an increased responsiveness
from the engine and the
gearbox. The steering is firmer.
Mode Perso
This mode enables you to manually
configure the drive, light environment
and, depending on the vehicle, the
comfort and engine noise.
In all modes, it is possible to change
the colour of the ambient lighting as
well as the format of the information
displayed on the instrument panel
and multifunction display.
You can also reset to the default settings.
Stopping the engine in Sport
mode, or Perso mode with engine
setting in Sport mode.
When you restart the vehicle, a message
asks you if you wish to keep
the engine setting in Sportmode.


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